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Are we the worlds police


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I've already talked about this as for as religious right trying to police up America, but I think we as Americans seem to think we are the world's police and I think we are spending too much time, effort, man power and revenue on issues that really don't concern us, and when we do step in, all we do is slow down the inevitable. There are problems with peoples in this world that stretch back millenniums and are cultural as well as religious.


Do we think we are so great and wise that we can defuse deep seated hatred by an infusion of money and boots on the ground. People have been at each others throats since mankind has walked the Earth. Those that have ended in warfare and bloodshed have always worked themselves out. Have we the right to step in a muzzle bitter enemies, just to find them glaring at each other with the same seething hatred they've always had.


What would happen if one would stand in the middle of a dog fight. Would it stop the fight or just eventually get those in the middle bit on both sides.


What has happened to the word Sovereignty. Is it a meaningless word from a bygone era, or has the world become sovereign over the countries of the world, and If so, what would happen to your country If there were enough countries that begin to take a dislike to yours.

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I don't think the leaders of the country are trying to be the worlds police, they are trying to be the worlds biggest criminals.


They just make it seem like they are trying to help.



Could you expand on that.

Our congressmen know they are hurting the country with most of the s*** they pass, and they generally do it for money or personal reasons and rarely do things for morals.


They make excused for the stuff they pass, claiming it will help out.


For example with the wars, they are probably doing the wars to help the weapons industry. They claim the wars are to protect us.


They are just trying to act like the motives they have are real, and people think that they are trying to be the worlds police when they are not doing anything police like at all realistically.


I tried to avoid using us, we, and the USA to avoid people thinking I am talking about citizens by the way.

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Our congressmen know they are hurting the country with most of the s*** they pass, and they generally do it for money or personal reasons and rarely do things for morals.

<snipped for sake of shortening post>

I tried to avoid using us, we, and the USA to avoid people thinking I am talking about citizens by the way.

I'm going to have to call some cynicism and paranoia above and beyond the call of duty there, Marharth.


That being said, their acts are often double-purposed and occasionally double-edged. The actions they have taken to 'police the world' are usually well-intentioned, and sometimes even helpful in the beginning, but over time rapidly degrade. It often begins with aid, then with some advisers, and before it's over with, we usually have troops on the ground. Sometimes with good reason, sometimes... not so much.


The US is really the only nation I know of that seems to take an active effort in putting their nose into someone's business on a regular basis, but on the bright side, they do it quite well. War almost inevitably breaks out wherever they intercede! Yep... I say job's done, bring the men and women who serve home, and keep 'em home.

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Our congressmen know they are hurting the country with most of the s*** they pass, and they generally do it for money or personal reasons and rarely do things for morals.

<snipped for sake of shortening post>

I tried to avoid using us, we, and the USA to avoid people thinking I am talking about citizens by the way.

I'm going to have to call some cynicism and paranoia above and beyond the call of duty there, Marharth.


That being said, their acts are often double-purposed and occasionally double-edged. The actions they have taken to 'police the world' are usually well-intentioned, and sometimes even helpful in the beginning, but over time rapidly degrade. It often begins with aid, then with some advisers, and before it's over with, we usually have troops on the ground. Sometimes with good reason, sometimes... not so much.


The US is really the only nation I know of that seems to take an active effort in putting their nose into someone's business on a regular basis, but on the bright side, they do it quite well. War almost inevitably breaks out wherever they intercede! Yep... I say job's done, bring the men and women who serve home, and keep 'em home.


We do?? Really?? Not so as I had noticed. Iraq is still a quagmire 10 years later. Their public services are in worse shape, they are still producing about the same amount of oil they were when all the sanctions were in place, most of the rebuilding projects have been blown up, subverted, cannibalized, etc...... The government there is still dealing with terrorism, something which Saddam had under control..... In all reality, the country would have been FAR better off, if we had left Saddam in place, (after all, WE put him there in the first place....) and just dropped all the sanctions.


Afghanistan: We have been there longer than we have been in Iraq, the military there STILL can't secure their own country, the government is corrupt beyond redemption, it is the number one opium producing nation in the world, (which wasn't the case under the taliban......), terrorism is rampant, and al-queda hides in pakistan with impunity. "The enemy" still controls large areas, and there are even larger areas that our troops can't go into at night... and some of those are in areas that are supposedly secure....... (depends on your definition I suppose....)


Vietnam. I shouldn't have to explain the total failure that particular gem was.


All of these are fine examples of what you get when a war is fought according to politicians. If the politicians would just point the military at the target, with the end goal in mind of simply defeating our enemies, we would be MUCH better off, and just maybe some countries would be less inclined to try and blow us up. (there would, of course, be those countries that were even MORE inclined to do so.... but, they would be somewhat more intelligent about it, and realize the consequences of said actions.)


No, America absolutely SUCKS at nation building. We simply do not have a clue. The politicians are deluding themselves that EVERYONE wants 'the american way of life', when that is patently UNtrue. You can't force a lifestyle on people at gun point. It just doesn't work. We are throwing away trillions of dollars per year, to no good purpose.

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Our congressmen know they are hurting the country with most of the s*** they pass, and they generally do it for money or personal reasons and rarely do things for morals.

<snipped for sake of shortening post>

I tried to avoid using us, we, and the USA to avoid people thinking I am talking about citizens by the way.

I'm going to have to call some cynicism and paranoia above and beyond the call of duty there, Marharth.


That being said, their acts are often double-purposed and occasionally double-edged. The actions they have taken to 'police the world' are usually well-intentioned, and sometimes even helpful in the beginning, but over time rapidly degrade. It often begins with aid, then with some advisers, and before it's over with, we usually have troops on the ground. Sometimes with good reason, sometimes... not so much.


The US is really the only nation I know of that seems to take an active effort in putting their nose into someone's business on a regular basis, but on the bright side, they do it quite well. War almost inevitably breaks out wherever they intercede! Yep... I say job's done, bring the men and women who serve home, and keep 'em home.


We do?? Really?? Not so as I had noticed. Iraq is still a quagmire 10 years later.

It was sarcasm, I figured what was in purple made that kind of clear. My real opinion is expressed in the last half of the last sentence.

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Our congressmen know they are hurting the country with most of the s*** they pass, and they generally do it for money or personal reasons and rarely do things for morals.

<snipped for sake of shortening post>

I tried to avoid using us, we, and the USA to avoid people thinking I am talking about citizens by the way.

I'm going to have to call some cynicism and paranoia above and beyond the call of duty there, Marharth.


That being said, their acts are often double-purposed and occasionally double-edged. The actions they have taken to 'police the world' are usually well-intentioned, and sometimes even helpful in the beginning, but over time rapidly degrade. It often begins with aid, then with some advisers, and before it's over with, we usually have troops on the ground. Sometimes with good reason, sometimes... not so much.


The US is really the only nation I know of that seems to take an active effort in putting their nose into someone's business on a regular basis, but on the bright side, they do it quite well. War almost inevitably breaks out wherever they intercede! Yep... I say job's done, bring the men and women who serve home, and keep 'em home.


We do?? Really?? Not so as I had noticed. Iraq is still a quagmire 10 years later.

It was sarcasm, I figured what was in purple made that kind of clear. My real opinion is expressed in the last half of the last sentence.


:rofl: Ooops, You left off the sarcasm tags. :D

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