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More use of pipe weapons.


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I would love to see a mod that makes the pipe weapons, laser musket etc more useful or better said, make the pre-war weapons less common. It makes no sense that these crappy scrap-made weapons are around when the better pre-war weapons and their ammunition are as commonly found as they are now.


I know there is a mod already that adds a crafting bench with an optional add-on that only lets you craft pipe weapons etc so I think they would go together nicely.


If there already is something like this around please do say so because I've looked but didn't find any.

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The6thMessenger's Pipe Weapons Overhaul looks promising. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/7556/?

Realistic Guns and Ammo is much wider ranging, affecting most weapons in the game. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9343/?
guidaye mentions they retained the "20% Pipe Weapon penalty". Maybe that's a single var that could be changed somewhere as a standalone.

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I did have a look at the pipe weapons overhaul mod before and it sure looks promising. I do hope there will be an option to have pipe weapons to be more commonly found and pre-war guns less commonly. Maybe I should ask him if he could do that. Though with his mod pipe weapons become a lot less inferior. Edited by Obituary
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Wouldn't it just be enough to edit what loot is to be found in containers and what's being carried by raiders and the like? The levelled lists if I'm correct? I've looked through the CK a bit but I wouldn't know where to start.
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Given how many guns are in circulation in the real US ATM that are known (the real number is likely much higher) & the fact that most north eastern states have a 95% non compliance rate with their "assault" weapons laws (which more then 1/4 of all guns qualify as) the fact that there are so many regular guns around makes sense in game.



I mean as long as your giving most of those guns even the most basic care it's not like they would just vanish.



All that being said the thing that would become hard to find is modern ammo which would likely dry up rather quick forcing people to start reloading with sub-par alternatives which would either be harder on said guns & or less then optimal for performance.

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I guess you're right about that but I'd think people in game would start making these guns because the pre-war stuff is getting really scarse.


The ammo thing you're talking about is a real good one. I hadn't thought much about that yet.

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