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Elephants in the Wasteland


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So as the topic title says I want someone to take my challenge and make an elephant like creature, that is of course mutated by radiation, and put it into the capitol wasteland. I don't think it'd be too hard, and I'd do it myself but I don't have the game anymore.


I second this idea, if only for the insanity of Radephants thundering around the Capital Wasteland, goring Super-Mutants with their tusks.

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You're a weird one, you are.


It would be interesting, but the fact is that hardly any mammals survived the great war. The big, herbivorous ones like Elephants would have fared worst of all. What are they going to eat, man?


Anyways, adding creatures is one of the hardest things in modding, as it requires new models, new textures, new animations, new sounds... the whole package. It could be done but it wouldn't be easy. And it wouldn't make much sense.

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