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Creation engine questions


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I hope we can do lip-sync much easily than we could in Oblivion/SI. With 70 voice actors I wonder how many accents there are. Creative Engine, I like the sound of that. I understand there are unique caves and dungeons so I look forward to creating something interesting. I can hardly wait to play the game and get the Creative Engine. I anticipate five more years of The Elder Scrolls via Skyrim. :)


For those who keep gripping about the game before it is even released they shouldn't worry our talented modders made Oblivion into a fantastic game . They can do the same for Skyrim if they haft to. Or turn a fantastic game into a stupendous games.

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I think it's almost a certainty a better scripting language which will allow more complex quests etc. will make it into the game. I think I remember a dev saying that there are "quest templates" which let you create certain quests a lot faster. Such as a template for a quest where you have to collect 10 items and then turn it in, or a quest where you have to kill a certain person. It would then let you quickly change certain parts of the template to make the quest unique and original. Of course I think it will most certainly be possible to create any quest you want from scratch.


There will be a new rendering engine, so better graphics and (probably) the ability to make the graphics look even better with mods that replace the vanilla shaders and textures. Hopefully a more stable engine all around.

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It's quite possible that the presence of the Havok Behavior animation blending engine has inherently removed the hard coded limitation on animations simply because of it's nature. It's possible that rather than the engine using hard coded calls that HB will handle all of the calls. Add to that the confirmation that different races will have specific animations and I'm very hopeful that animations won't actually be hard coded to the meshes but will have to be defined separately for each race/creature and weapon. This will allow ANY animation to be assigned which means unlimited animations.
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