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A question on thread necromancy.


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Okay first off I'd like to address this to the moderators, I also would like you all to know that I am NOT complaining.. Just curious - Recently I've seen people being given strikes, or even being banned and I was wondering what is wrong with it and why it is not allowed. Please don't take this the wrong way as I'm just curious and I'm happy to go without an answer but I'd like one.




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I will just copy paste this in case you are still unsure:


"CHAPTER V - Thread Necromancy

Thread Necromancy is...


Reviving a "dead thread" (a thread that has had no new posts in it for more than a month) with something that has no relevance to it. For example posting "hey cool" (see SPAM) or "that was really helpful, thanks".

Please look at the date of the last post in a thread before posting something that lacks any real substance. If it was a month or more ago you can assume that this thread is dead, and unless you have something constructive to add that will continue the discussion, don't bother."

Source: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/2881-all-newbies-read-this-before-posting/


So as far as I understand it, it's okay to post in old topics, but only if you have "something constructive to add that will continue the discussion"

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Resurrecting several along the same lines to promote your beliefs or agenda are the actions of a troll. Looking to reopen old wounds and throw a little salt in them just for fun.


These get shown the door with expediency and finality.


Your are more than welcome to your beliefs and prejudices, expressing them here is an option; as normally we do not solicit them.



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So as far as I understand it, it's okay to post in old topics, but only if you have "something constructive to add that will continue the discussion"

Yep. Many people read that and think "No posting allowed" in older threads...but if that were the case, we'd simply create a bot to auto-lock every thread that is over 30 days...but we don't do that.


However, adding your 2 cents, however valid, to a poll that is over 2 years old is still considered thread necromancy since the discussion has died.


Reviving an ancient thread about the up-coming "Duke Nukem Forever" with new information about a change in developers, new trailer, new release date, another release date, etc. might be OK if pertinent to the thread and actually contains new information and those following or would like to follow that thread may be interested if there was a major change.



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There is nothing I hate more on forums than thread necromancy.


Some topics are great to talk in, but when they've been quiet for a few months, sometimes even longer it can be really frustrating when someone doesn't look at the date and leaves a reply.

Next thing you know the entire topic is revived and your inbox is filled will notifications about people replying to a topic you thought was dead.

So then I have to go to the trouble to go to that topic and manually stop watching it :/


So I'm glad people get warned when they do it and punished for repeat offences :)

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