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Converting A esp To A esm


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I tried cleaning a esp with esp cleaner and then load it in Morrowind Enchanted Editor and it won't load the file. I even did the same thing with using esp cleaner. What do I do for Morrowind Enchanted Editor to work or is there another way to convert a esp to a esm. Thanks in advance.
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This might not be at all helpful, but I just wanted to share my similar experience...


I've spent the last two or three weeks of my gaming time experimenting with Morrowind and about 200 mods. I've read that you're supposed to clean them, so I tried with MWEdit and it made the plugin unusable. I finally decided that it was just better to use the "dirty" files and now my game is running fine.


My best advice is to focus on using TEStool to merge all the objects and dialogs, then use WryeMash to merge the leveled lists and sort the load order. Honestly, if the files are "dirty" it really doesn't seem to have a noticeable impact on my game.

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I fully endorse the comments made by Herculine. A lot of systems like esp cleaners are not really worth their salt. I ALWAYS view such "helper" programmes as quite unnecessary - in fact you really have to remember that Morrowind was the first of the Elder Scrolls series to be presented in a Windoe=ws format - all previous releases were in MS/DOS.


That being said, I realise the graphics are not the best possible, but the storyline is good anyway, so as far as I am concerned, you don't really need MGE or any similar programmes, what you're doing is trying to make Morrowind do more than it was originally designed to do.

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I agree with Themisive to a certain extent. I use MGE and the FPS optimizer but I can attest that it is a bad idea to try to make them do too much and to use them with too many mods, particularly mods you are unfamiliar with and especially those huge Morrowind overhaul mod compilations that have become so popular this last year or so.


LegoMan, again I know that this doesn't really answer your question, but I'm unfamiliar with the editing program you mention and would recommend using the TES3CS from Bethesda instead.

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I have seen mods on the web that are esms such as Texture Fix, Better Heads, and a few others. I know it can be done. I am in no rush on converting the file and I don't care if it is clean or not. If it is dirty and it is a esm then that is a start.
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I have seen mods on the web that are esms such as Texture Fix, Better Heads, and a few others. I know it can be done. I am in no rush on converting the file and I don't care if it is clean or not. If it is dirty and it is a esm then that is a start.


I'm not sure about your purpose for converting an ESP to an ESM, but the easiest way to do it is in Wrye Mash. Right-click the ESP, choose "copy to ESM," and you'll have an additional version of that ESP as an ESM.


I've only used this in Wrye Mash's younger sister, Wrye Bash, to create parent files for mods. Hopefully, it'll do what you want!

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I have seen mods on the web that are esms such as Texture Fix, Better Heads, and a few others. I know it can be done. I am in no rush on converting the file and I don't care if it is clean or not. If it is dirty and it is a esm then that is a start.


I'm not sure about your purpose for converting an ESP to an ESM, but the easiest way to do it is in Wrye Mash. Right-click the ESP, choose "copy to ESM," and you'll have an additional version of that ESP as an ESM.


I've only used this in Wrye Mash's younger sister, Wrye Bash, to create parent files for mods. Hopefully, it'll do what you want!


Wyre Mash converted my plugin to a master. Thanks man!

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Please DO NO convert an esp to an esm, no matter what the programme.


I have both Wry Mash and another programme (I now longer use it, and in consequence can not remember the name.). I do understand you want to make esp's to esm' . However, my advice is to be careful.


All-right, so you 'you've just spent a lot of time, crating a new mod, fine. However there is NO need to convert it to ESM, I have two mods in work at the moment; one for the ES III GOTY:Morrowind and one for ES!V Oblivion.


Neither of these is to be converted to an ESM, however, I will not allow the to be up-loaded without checking them. In this respect I have some very good programmes, one is part of the Construction Set (ESIII) and also the Construction Set (ECS); another good one is as has been said earlier - either TEC3£ or TECS4.


All of these programmes are freely available - so why spend money you don't need to?

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I think mods that mainly add large numbers of NPCs, like CM Partners or MCA for example, actually work better as master files because it helps bypass the infamous Morrowind doubling issues.
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