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Redfield's BSAA [WIP]


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a lot of those creases and wrinkles could be replicated with the normal map, and that would greatly reduce the poly count.


This obscenely high poly model is how Normal Maps are generated by the modelling program. Running a photoshop filter over an image is the cheats shortcut, and in 9/10 cases produces something that leaves much to be desired.


Therefore this model isn't the one the game uses. Once it has been used to generate a Normal Map, it pretty much gets thrown away.

Edited by FavoredSoul
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Ah, that's how quality normal maps are made. I really don't know a lot about the specifics of making things like this for games, and I've actually been curious about that.

In the past I've just cheated by temporarily painting darker and lighter areas onto the texture to manipulate things like that into the normal, and it never turned out very good. Too flat.

Edited by Shadow_Dragyn
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Dude, you are a great artist! How the hell did you get so good? Can you point me to some good tutorials?


Sure can.


Check out cgtuts+ !


Some of the best video tutorials you're likely to find online, and the best thing is, they're free. Just navigate to your program of choice, and let the learning begin.

And it sure helps to have a very healthy interest!

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I think i'm going to wrap it up for now. I got no more time to add in all the extra little things I wanted, but I can always do that sometime in the future.


Meanwhile, I plan on making chris' armor come in pieces, so you'll be able to pick and choose what parts of it you want to wear.



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  • 1 month later...

Haven't been able to work on this for what seems like, a month... In fact, that long exactly!


Below is the game mesh with normals and such that I *fiiiinally* got around to baking today. It's come straight out of max so its still pretty raw. Did a quick color preview with the paintbucket though... wow!. Should be ready in a couple days : )




As far as the coloring goes, i'm more a fan of the scheme below, rather than the washed out browny green seen on the real Chris:



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