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Survival Mode...ridiculous or just not fun?


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Thanks for posting those mod links, BlackRoseofThorns. I'm giving "Survival Tweaks" a go right now. :smile: was getting so damn tired of needing to constantly eat/drink, though surprisingly I almost never needed to sleep for some reason.

Edited by RaffTheSweetling
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Thanks for posting those mod links, BlackRoseofThorns. I'm giving "Survival Tweaks" a go right now. :smile: was getting so damn tired of needing to constantly eat/drink, though surprisingly I almost never needed to sleep for some reason.


Np :wink: These are pretty damn good, but underrated mods. All I wanted was something similiar to primal needs mode from New Vegas and could do without all that Survival Achievents community competition silliness. I'm here for gameplay, not score boards. My game is already heavily modded to my liking and probably super off-meta. There is no going back.

I hope you will now enjoy your survival playthrough a lot more.

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Thanks for posting those mod links, BlackRoseofThorns. I'm giving "Survival Tweaks" a go right now. :smile: was getting so damn tired of needing to constantly eat/drink, though surprisingly I almost never needed to sleep for some reason.


Np :wink: These are pretty damn good, but underrated mods. All I wanted was something similiar to primal needs mode from New Vegas and could do without all that Survival Achievents community competition silliness. I'm here for gameplay, not score boards. My game is already heavily modded to my liking and probably super off-meta. There is no going back.

I hope you will now enjoy your survival playthrough a lot more.



I will have to wait until i start a new play-trough with installing new mods. I will try the suggestions you made then, and see if it makes survival more fun. I hate new vegas, so i hardly played it, and cant compare them, but i did play FO3 wanderers edition with MMM to death, so i can compare it to that.


I never merged mods before so i have no idea how to do that... for now, FO4edit wont work for me, so ill have to wait until a regular version comes out anyway.

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Doesn't seem survival mode should be much of a problem as long as it can be bypassed by playing at another difficulty level. So whether you are into higher levels of stress and tedium or want a more relaxing and enjoyable experience, both desires can be met.

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... as long as it can be bypassed by playing at another difficulty level.


It cannot. It's a once-only option. Thus preventing casual gamers from lowering their difficulty level when it suits them and then turning on survival afterwards. Unless I misunderstood your comment.

Edited by RaffTheSweetling
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I love the combat balance on the new survival mode.


The rest, I have mixed feelings about. I re-enabled the console but I established ground rules for saving. Inside a settlement I can save without limits. That way I can experiment with different structures and building ideas without having to sleep the majority of the day away. Outside of the settlements, I only save when there is a Preservation Chamber and I have to physically enter that before I will save. I don't need an arbitrary save system. I got one of my very own. :)


I set the timescale to 10. That cuts down on the vast majority of "nag" messages. I also installed a mod that reduces how much you need to intake to satisfy hunger and thirst. It also supposedly eliminates thirst from chemicals. I like the idea of taking chems speeding up the thirst rate but it totally broke immersion for me to literally drink somewhere around a day's water ration because I had to pop a Stimpack and some Rad-X. I like that I actually have to eat, drink and sleep, but the rate at which it required those essentials was a bit much. Now it is perfect. The sleeping bag thing mentioned above is annoying. I can honestly get a perfectly restful night's sleep in a sleeping bag, in the middle of nowhere. Sometimes, it is even better than being in a bed. So I don't get that and may look at how to mod that out.


Diseases are problematic. If people were as susceptible to disease as my character seems to be, then the entire human race would have died out by now. Seriously, every time I slept for like two in-game weeks, I woke up with a disease. And this was in my settlement in the cleanest looking bed I could craft. I'm guess there is a percentage chance of catching a disease and I just got "lucky" on the rolls. There also does not seem to be a mechanic for your character's own immune system to defeat the disease. All in all, that is the poorest design choice I can think of. Again, I am going to look at how it determines whether or not you get a disease and drastically reduce that chance.


The weight thing makes sense. I was a little disappointed that maxing out Adamantium Skeleton and Lifegiver was not a workaround. It makes no sense that my limbs will not get crippled by explosions, gunfire, or falls from a height great enough to cause damage, but I don't carry that five extra pounds. There are ways around that (Stimpacks and Purified Water will get you very far when overloaded), but some level of internal logic might have been applied. I think a better mechanic would be to require AP to even move when you get to a certain weight above your maximum. Sort of like you can use AP to run when encumbered. Say you get to Max Carryweight + 50 and to even walk (not run) you need to burn AP. Anything above Max Carryweight + 100 and you can't even walk at all. You have to drop something in order to move and the it will be slow as you burn AP and have to rest to recover your AP (stamina). I would find something like that more internally consistent and realistic.


So there are issues about Survival mode, but I go back to my first comment. It is an amazingly fun combat balance that hits all the right buttons. That alone is worth playing with it.

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... as long as it can be bypassed by playing at another difficulty level.


It cannot. It's a once-only option. Thus preventing casual gamers from lowering their difficulty level when it suits them and then turning on survival afterwards. Unless I misunderstood your comment.


Does this mean you have to be in survival mode even if it is not selected?

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... as long as it can be bypassed by playing at another difficulty level.


It cannot. It's a once-only option. Thus preventing casual gamers from lowering their difficulty level when it suits them and then turning on survival afterwards. Unless I misunderstood your comment.



How dare those filthy casuals! Thinking they have the right to change their difficulty settings to suit their particular needs!


People who aren't awesome at videogames should just stop playing and go collect stamps or something. Videogames are for the elite and are a competition to show how awesome we are by earning achievements at high difficulties, they are not a child's toy.


If they just let everyone play survival mode, then how would I feel validated in my own worth as an amazing videogamer?

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... as long as it can be bypassed by playing at another difficulty level.


It cannot. It's a once-only option. Thus preventing casual gamers from lowering their difficulty level when it suits them and then turning on survival afterwards. Unless I misunderstood your comment.


Does this mean you have to be in survival mode even if it is not selected?



It means you can change difficulty for your character to Survival only once and if you lover it to hard and anything below, you cannot go back to Survival. The data is stored in your save. The game goes to an extent to hide any pre-survival saves after loading Survival save file.

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