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Survival Mode...ridiculous or just not fun?


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Well it was nice knowing you guys.


*weep sob ahhhhhhhhhhh


/end tears


So I guess I wont have the pleasure of seeing you around for The Elder Scrolls 6?


:D :D :D

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one thing I've done to make survival more fun is download the autosave mod, used the 10 minute one, but I modded the file for 5-6 minutes instead because the game rig is unstable :wink: avoids quicksave scumming, avoids the temptation, helps me focus on the fun more



Games are a story telling medium. If I have to spend 4x as long to complete the main quest of a game because I had to repeat stuff multiple times, that is time out of my life that I have lost. I could have played 3 other games in that time, I could have finished my mod in that time, I could have learned to play guitar in that time...


I'm not interested in the silly concept of thinking I am somehow better than other people because I could beat such and such game without dieing. I want an experience, not bragging rights.


tbh I kind of felt like barfing at this, games are NOT a story telling medium first and foremost, they are an interactive process first and foremost, this can include interactive stories, now, I WILL give that fallout 1-2 were a lot less on the combat mechanics per se, and that there was a lot of interesting stylization involving how weapons related to each other (if you've played you know what I'm talking about, riddling someone with bullets animation was awesome lmao)
as for fallout 3 and NV I don't know about them, but I hear NV had a cooler storyline, and better gunplay, while FO3 had neater environments to explore
the reason for this is somewhat interesting as well apparently, NV was made by a number of people that were related to the original fallout games so they just continued their own style

games are ALWAYS for playing, and sometimes playing means you lose, and I am okay with this, play with invulnerability on if you feel otherwise :wink:
or mod your health and damage resist up a bunch, survival is survival, if you want to play for story there are alternate difficulties

I think that survival is decent as a skeletal setup, we need to poke and prod and probably 2-3 different variations will pop up that appeal to various different individuals, because even in survival games there's different nuances - survival as in hardcore shooter frantic survival.... survival as in wilderness crafting with inventory management survival... survival as in something of a war campaign with some combat and some inventory management (it's hard to explain but it's definitely a different thing - a warpath has elements of both this is what the baseline game sort of is like, but is a bit lacking in the intensity in regards to that)

but this is why modding exists, and this is the variety that bethesda relies on amongst players, and all should be valued, for my own part I am not into RP, but I'm not averse to good stories with action slowing down occasionally if the story's good enough, I happen to love messing through hordes of enemies too though, and feeling terrified as I'm down to my last few bullets and running and hiding, the fear of death, is a key story element for me, and that fear is only reinforced by actually dying - I've been modding my game for more realism, but not a ton, bullets do matter and are a fair bit rarer but bullet sponging is also real to an extent because I like it a LITTLE bit with tougher guys and myself because my "survival" prefernece is inventory management with a little bit of risk - I've modded it so that it doesn't stack up more and more as levels go on, or that I can change one variable quickly to fix it all and keep the enemy differences in play

also one reason why bullets are rarer is because the LOADS of ammo that I'm using, has no ammo weight even in survival and I can't edit those weight values, I justify it as game mechanics, because since I also made trash/junk more rare, having the resources to modify bullets is also rare so I just consider it a "perk" with upgrading ammo, being low on ammo makes my lack of interest in pure FPS frenzy factor a bit more sensible, because it's akin to oregon trail (you know what I mean ;) )

Edited by tartarsauce2
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At lvl 30+ Survival mode has quickly become "No-more-difficult-to-play-than-previously other than slightly-quicker-to-die-in-a-fight - with added arbitrary eating/drinking/sleeping and endless bugs and inexplicable problems mode".

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Can we all agree it makes the game a more challenging one, but it is far from perfect? It has ideas that are good, yet some were executed poorly?



No, I cannot agree that it makes the game more challenging.


I like to set my game up in a way that I die a lot... like a whole lot... like I am just walking down the street and bam! I just got killed because I didn't see the Yao Guai coming up behind me and it got one hit on me, instant kill.


I like to play the game where when I square off against 10 super mutants who have secured a facility, that I die at least 10 times trying to beat that fight, because pretty much any mistake I make is instant death. I like to die, repeat, improve my strategy a bit, die again, repeat, improve my strategy a bit more.



With survival mode I am forced to put stats into things like endurance and actually wear armor and do the kind of things that make the game too easy. Why? Because I can't die and repeat because a fight is just too intense. If I get one shot killed by every super mutant I run into, then on survival mode I would be spending all of my time repeating the same portion of the game over and over and over again.


The save feature on survival mode makes me not able to play the game as hard as I want to.





I'm not mad about it or anything, I am glad Bethesda attempted something new. It is also really simple for me to fix this issue I have with mods.


So I am totally happy with what I got.


But my honest critique from a design perspective is that the save feature is a very, very, very dumb design decision. It is a cheap shortcut way to try to make things seem harder, and not in the least bit clever.


The save feature in survival mode is what keeps me from playing this. I am not interested in being constantly glued to my PC for hours on end.


In general, I do like the challenge. I like having my character running around completely naked in the Commonwealth wasteland ... One swipe from a Death Claw always insta-kills my character. Sneaking and killing from a distance ... surveying for elevation, choke points and finding where the "equilibrium of battle" are always good things in my book.


Like you, I play in "Very Hard" mode.


There are now a few MODS out there that get rid of the saving nonsense. I may give survival a try after getting one of these MODS.

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I've never had to shoot a RadRoach 8 times and my character is much higher than level 50.


I've had only half a dozen crashes unrelated to the game....Windows updates, a few bugged video driver moments, and various other stuff that had nothing to do with Fallout 4.


Survival Mode is fine as is but it will get better with mods that add tougher challenges and more severe lethality...Balanced Disease but more of them and more fatal outcomes. More difficulty with healing up might in fact be a change for the better.


Survival is Ridiculously better than previous modes and if you don't get it yet...I think the game needs to be even more brutal.

Anything below that just isn't enough for a seasoned gamer with good gaming gear.

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I've never had to shoot a RadRoach 8 times and my character is much higher than level 50.



Well we should factor in that the scaled-level of the enemy was presumably much higher, regardless of the species, and that the damage of the weapon I used (a modded 10mm) mas much lower than what you may have used, and that my character was also fatigued at the time. Tons of variables.

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Before this mode came out, i knew i would never play this without saving. But there are some mods out, that do anything you need. (Bad decision from Beth anyway)

The lack of fast travel was the second thing, i could not accept. No fun to run from sanctuary to castle and back for a quest... (mods solved that, too)

Besides this, i was ok with the food, water, desease stuff. The levels up to 30 was dominated by finding radstags for food, rest was easy to obtain (too easy).

And after level 50 its the same as before, you only have to click you food from time to time.


So: this mode made the game more challenging, but only things like "get mats", "get radstag-food".

Enemies to me dont seem to be any harder. I was oneshot by some enemies before the new mode, so nothing new her.

I never had a problem with bulletsponges, ok, sometimes a really highlevel supermutant takes some more bullets than the rest, but most enemies can be killed with one bullet...

even really bigones like mirelurkqueen are far too easy, after you reached a certain level (around 50 for me).

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