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Ah shoot, you don't say...I had it planned at the end of this playthrough :(((

I understand that is within each author's prerogative to remove/add to their whim. But after a few years just delete everything? Why I dont understand...

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Doubt it had anything to do with that. People do occasionally leave without notice, it's happened before without anything prompting it.


Going nuclear on one's entire online presence is a whole other level though. It's entirely possible he landed himself a sensitive position somewhere and HAD to do that. It's also possible some jackass did something to make him wary of being online anymore. Also possible online life just got to be too much and he figured this was the best way out. Unless he drops by to say why, there's no way to know why he did it.


This is why when you download a mod, you keep your copy, because you just never know.

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Update on this, based on a post on reddit by someone claiming to be the author of Wyrmstooth. Apparently got upset because he lost his job and decided to remove all his mods because he doesn't have the self restraint to leave them up and just walk away from modding.


At the end of the day they're his mods to do whatever he wants with them. I typed the previous sentence more for my own benefit, so that I don't type what I'm thinking, and start a petty and needless argument.


Instead, I'll simply offer best wishes to that guy. Hope life gets better for him.

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Huh, sounds so unlikely, but I really can't judge this on my own here. Regarding Wyrmstooth, it's awkward pretending it needed some support. I have played this mod more than a year ago, it was fully stable and had absolutely zero issues back then, in few recent updates author only generously added some more content, it didn't even required any polishing at all. If it was left abandoned in all this time period, ppl will still be able to download and fully enjoy this mod with no issues. But hey, it's always author's decision what to do with his content...

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