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The Mantis

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Alright Laraine is prepared.

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It's fine if your characters have terrified or disgusted responses to her, I can handle it just dont control her and dont hurt her. You can try but it will only ruin the story so dont.

B/c of the new site, the link doesnt work. You can try pasting it into your address bar http://mml.k-hosting.co.uk/forum/index.php...p?showtopic=424

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I thought you were making a Llanowar Elite?


ahh yes, but what you think and what you get are two different things.


ive actually gone on a wild mind freeble and i am thinking of making a warlock type character.


something with shortblade, light armour, some spells.....


this story is gonne be great methinks, i just hope someone doesnt say something stupid that ruins the whole story.

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Ahaha it would be so funny if we've got all these people lined up and noone shows.....hehe it's safe to assume that probably half won't, things always come up.....that's why it is good we have so many willing! :P

By the way, don't blame me if you get kicked out and I said you could join, since it is not my story I really have no say, should have thought of that! :D

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