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how it works and how its done ?


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Howdy I'll just skip the greetings crap and get strait to the point. If I want to create a perk that would calculate the damage against one faction, but would require good karma("GetBaseActorValue Karma==1000" ? this should be it) and positive reputation with another, let's say NCR Liked (GetFactionRank NCRFactionNV and what now there is a value of 1 but I don't think it's comparable to in game faction ranks. Are there some specific values (for example) -1 hated, 0 neutral, 1 Accepted ? or they work just like karma -1000 evil, 0 neutral, 1000 good ? I hope to make myself clear and sorry for my English.


By the way I think other people can use this thread to ask theirs questions of how it works and how its done ?

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edited: previous information was not useful, let try to understand what is the real problem.


I think you need to work with ranges (for karma, fame, etc)

For the factions, your question seen related to GetFactionRelation and not rank´. 0 is neutral, 1 is enemy, 2 is ally (above friendship) and 3 is friend.


I don't remember the common values for karma in a normal playthru but 1000 looks way too much.


Another useful function is GetFactionReaction faction1 faction2, which can be used to tell the script how these factions like the other. Some faction functions


I have not modded in Geck and I'm unknowing about NVSE but I'm pretty sure it has some more functions regarding the subject, case you are going to use it in the mod.

Edited by nosisab
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have another stupid question, this time it will be "How do I will get this damn custom weapon loop sound to work properly" here's the deal: I got pretty nice rail gun loop sound take from Q3 (for my own purposes) and well I can't get this to work in game, it's plays nicely in the GECK and everything seams to be fine but it won't work in game and I have no idea why ? ( Each of the other sounds I have ported works just fine both in GECK and in game) I have tried to replace existing wpn_rifleplasma_idle_lpm.wav with this one but it still wont work I have checked the properties of the wave file and they are exactly the same as the one in game, at this point I'm out of ideas what can cause this. Any advice anyone ? And sorry for my English.




Nevermind I get it working.

Edited by Dzordzbuzs
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