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sections "image share" & "image share sup"


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Hello, after several months of assiduous in "share image" of Dragon Age forum,I'd like to share my observations and suggestions.I hope everything will be included in the spirit in which I write because my only knowledge of English called "Google Translator"!..To summarize this section, members who wish to post their pictures,other members view these photos and endorsent (or not) with a "thumb up" the photo of their choice.They can also make a comment.

First, there is a core of "Friends" (10/15) which are mutually and systematically a thumb up each of their photos.Some did not hesitate to encourage me to apply this method (I'll put a thumb up but you do the same with my photos).And as you have put no limit on the number of eligible pictures,here's the real impact on the top 25 photos.

-All (other than) the places of honor are the trustees by the core "friends",some with more than 5 photos in this classification.some of these pictures have 10 (or +) thumbs up or an accumulation only a few dozen views.

-At the same time a photo has been viewed 1000 times perhaps but one or two thumbs up never appear in the top 25!It is profoundly unfair and undemocratic.

I suggest first to limit the number of eligible pictures 1 and 2 for "premium members" it must still be encouraged.

Then create two tables: one keeping the current regulation of thumbs up (with restriction on the number of eligible pictures),order not to displease the influential exclusive club "of 10/15 friends ".

Make a second ranking by the number of views, because it is no coincidence that a picture is seen hundreds of times!

Curiously the members of this "club" almost all "premium members" do not posting any photos in the "image share sup" which is yet reserved.The reason is obvious, too few people will see their photos, where the loss of interest of this section.

Visit this section is accessible to all but with "adult content".This section affected will find life, I made ​​the bet.

I have am sharing everything I had on the heart,and hope you will consider my comments.

Very sincere and friendly greeting,Jean-pierre Gourio alias bjpgmag.

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Why is this even a problem, since the number of thumbs up you have on any of your images doesn't actually do anything?


Well other than making you look cool but people aren't that vain, are they?

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It's come to my attention that what bjpgmag is saying does hold some merit.

I too have noticed something strange going on in the imageshare.

Certain people upload images (good images mind you) and message people that are on a list of people that want to be informed of a new picture. (an unofficial subscription if you were)

This is all fine and dandy but it seems that each person on that list is almost guaranteed to leave an endorsement on the image, not because the uploaders ASK for it mind you, because they don't. It's just obvious to them that you will endorse the image. Common courtesy perhaps?

So instead of it being fair and leaving the Top images to be chosen fairly by the public voting it is now down to people and their "subscribers"

It is a lot more common in imageshare than the supporters because bjpgmag is right, there isn't enough exposure for it compared to normal imageshare.


Just thought I'd add to it.


Disclaimer, This is my own personal observation and have received messages off people who are commonly in the top images asking if I want to be told be the "next" image. It is obvious and clear that many others have received and are receiving the same treatment if you look at who left the endorsement on each image every time.

I will not implicate anyone during this discussion however.

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It's come to my attention that what bjpgmag is saying does hold some merit.

I too have noticed something strange going on in the imageshare.

Certain people upload images (good images mind you) and message people that are on a list of people that want to be informed of a new picture. (an unofficial subscription if you were)

This is all fine and dandy but it seems that each person on that list is almost guaranteed to leave an endorsement on the image, not because the uploaders ASK for it mind you, because they don't. It's just obvious to them that you will endorse the image. Common courtesy perhaps?

So instead of it being fair and leaving the Top images to be chosen fairly by the public voting it is now down to people and their "subscribers"

It is a lot more common in imageshare than the supporters because bjpgmag is right, there isn't enough exposure for it compared to normal imageshare.


Just thought I'd add to it.


Disclaimer, This is my own personal observation and have received messages off people who are commonly in the top images asking if I want to be told be the "next" image. It is obvious and clear that many others have received and are receiving the same treatment if you look at who left the endorsement on each image every time.

I will not implicate anyone during this discussion however.

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We know there's a problem with "cliques" and groups of members banding together to endorse each-others stuff. If we can pin specific members to these sorts of practises then we will ban them as it's seen as exploiting the system. We've already banned a few people for it.
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Thank you for your response but did not achieve these ends, if you try to try my suggestions (or others along the same lines, the same spirit) would be a first step (and to show that those who abuse you are not fooled).I see that you keep an eye everywhere, which is not easy! Friendly greetings. :thumbsup:
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I personally think yet more restrictions to the image share section won't help, only hurt the wrong ones.


I, too, have figured out an evident group of posters and endorsers now just by looking at the top 25 for a quick gander. They don't even care if it's always the same number of endorsements and the same endorsers minus the individual author, which is the only thing that changes with each image. But I for one couldn't care less. If they need this, then so be it. That's not what I'm uploading my images for.


But there was something which indeed put me off a little lately. I was in the process of uploading a series of 6 images, so I can put links to them into the forums for those interested in my progress, or to gather some feedback from users stumbling across them and getting interested. Now when I reached the 6th image I was suddenly told I may only upload 5 images per day, not to "imbalance" the picture voting. I don't care about the voting. I just want my 6-picture series uploaded in a row without having to wait a day inbetween. If there was a way to make my pictures not appear in the voting, which would in turn allow me to upload them all in a row, I'd gladly do so.


I'm after comments, not endorsements, or even appearing on top of some stupid ranking (personal opinion and only in regards to my own images, sry). If I ever notice some business like this going on in my endorsements, I'll disallow them right away. Only hope I won't loose the ability to receive comments along the lines. If there was a way to make my pictures not go into any statistics but allowing me to upload them all in a row, I'll choose this over any other at all times.


So the gist of it is, please don't implement yet more restrictions to this. Reduce the upload count further and me sharing my images here will be a thing of the past, as it won't make sense anymore.

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