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Power Armor Frame Ownership Reset


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I am of the opinion that every piece of power armor in the game is mine. I have over a hundred Power Armor frames which I have stolen from Gunners, Raiders and the BoS.


Short of the SetOwnership console command, there is no way to get these pieces of armor to a state where I don't have to Steal them every time I move them. But the SetOwnership command does not reset the FactionOwner, so I have BoS Knights showing up to reclaim their armor (and I am tired of killing them).


So I would like a mod that resets the ownership AND the FactionOwner of a Power Armor Frame when I take possession of a piece of Power Armor that just happened to belong to someone else.


Thank you in advance.

Edited by budrick007
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The base item itself is marked as owned. You could instead download "Buildable power armor frames" which lets you scrap them and then build them new

I had it. It stopped working with the Automatron beta (I had to remove to get my game to load) and it has never worked since. It cost me about 750 frames and it isn't getting fixed.


So I need another option.

Edited by budrick007
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Oh. I think there's just something wrong with your game. You could try deleting a bunch of the Ba2 files/strings/exe's and then verify cache

I just started a new character that isn't even out of the vault. I had no mods. I added three mods, one at a time via the mod manager (USMC Paint for X01 armor, then Real Weapon Damage, then Buildable Power Armor). I was able to load the game after the first two mods. But it would not load after Buildable Power Armor was added.


So I uninstalled the first two and had just Buildable Power Armor. The game still would not load.


I disabled Buildable Power Armor and added the first two back. The Game loaded just fine.


So I still need another option.

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I would second this. Now that the GECK is out, it seems like this should be able to be fixed properly. There's no reason that, if I sneak up behind the Gunner leader and steal his armor before he gets in it, it's counted as mine; but if I knock him out of it and THEN take it, it's forever marked as stolen.

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There is a mod out there that allows you to build frames that say gunner, Raider and BOS, I do the same thing I steal them from the gunners and the others. X)! mark II from the Gunners. I remove the armor and trash the frame then build the new frame which still shows gunner and so on. This does not cost you any resourses.

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