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This ingame mod bulls*** has to stop


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The asterisk thing isn't a solution to mod makers who need to enable new plug-ins and test things with high frequency. I might change names all the time It's just annoying that it adds time to boot-up

Just delete plugins.txt and use an updated NMM to make a new one. I didn't have to enter anything into plugins.txt, except for when I need to use FO4Edit because it needs the DLCs in the plugins.txt to load them right. That's something the developers of xEdit need to fix. It had no impact on my ability to make mods with the CK once I figured out how to fix the issue with mods having to be re-enabled. Edited by noahdvs
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Are you saying I did not do that exact thing? Because I did that exact thing. As part of my hours of troubleshooting. And many other steps. But you wouldn't know that, because you don't know what I did during my hours of troubleshooting.


So, any accusations you have of NMM / me of causing the problem (apparently because Bethesda can do no wrong in your eyes or something) are completely unfounded. Given that, and you've responded twice now with more accusations, this conversation is over.


Goodbye, and have fun playing your apparently functional F04 game while I play different ones because Bethesda broke mine.

Well, I wouldn't know what you did during those hours of troubleshooting, since you never told us. Should I have asked what you did? Yeah, probably, so it's my bad for not doing that. Sorry.


But if you think I believe Bethesda can do no wrong, you know nothing about me. They do a whole lot wrong. Their games are often buggy as s***, their technical support is often nonexistent, they never really listen to their users on most things, and to top it all off they are so secretive they make the NSA often look like a ray of sunshine.


Glad to hear you might have found a solution to your problem. I was going to suggest that you rename your plugins.txt file and see if that helped anything, but it seems you are already on that track. Good luck with it.



Then I guess we both don't know enough about each other to make judgments, so I'll retract any perceived ones about you in my statements. And thank you for your offer of help, but I've decided to just wait things out at this point.


These issues will eventually be resolved and the CK will catalyze changes to the mods I use as well, so I may as well just let the storm pass and the dust settle. Then I'll put in the hours to do *another* full mod review/setup to get F04 to play more like the survival adventure RPGs Bethesda used to put out, and hopefully I'll complete getting the value I've paid for.

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Then I guess we both don't know enough about each other to make judgments, so I'll retract any perceived ones about you in my statements. And thank you for your offer of help, but I've decided to just wait things out at this point.


These issues will eventually be resolved and the CK will catalyze changes to the mods I use as well, so I may as well just let the storm pass and the dust settle. Then I'll put in the hours to do *another* full mod review/setup to get F04 to play more like the survival adventure RPGs Bethesda used to put out, and hopefully I'll complete getting the value I've paid for.

Best of luck to you, truly. I know how much of a pain in the ass it can be to try and fix a modded Bethesda game, especially when you've put lots of effort into the character.
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