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Where We Lament the Decline of PC Gaming Due to Console Accomodation


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i feel very lied to and they over hyped the game so much making everyone think its going to be good. when i fest started it up i was surprised at the graphics. they where good for beth... (when i started the game i thought after seeing the mr handy laying on the ground i thought there would be robot building. (nope its a DLC) not to todays game for sure. so i never let my self think the graphics couldt be all that good. its beth. but i when Tod h claimed at 1st theirs little to no loading screens. lie the game feels like a "click bait" it was a money grab i feel the game is so empty it fells more like a beta/ Alpha no "Real" quest. in truth it was one real quest. run and gun loot and return and redo there was no real thought or planning in making a good plotted quest. fine fine they have about the same quest as there other game but there quests had plot and not all the same run and gun. also they where much MUCH longer then these quest witch all are run and gun. theirs very little to no underground to the game world. the game world in about the same size as the FULL fallout 3 game world map (the open top side world. underground, and other areas) and the game feels like a poorly made shooter (worse then COD) NOT a FALLOUT based game. i really like the settlement build BUT i dont like being trapped in areas with no logical why there so horribly shaped. i was exspacting a true open world where u can build and forge almost any area u want from small to large into a base or settlement. i really wish i would board up a room in a building or apartment and call that my safe house to restock my supplie and or sleep...


the thing that hit me the worst is how badly thiss game was optimized for the PC. my computer after the last 1.5 patch dont load areas like it used to its mostly unloaded to the point i can run into areas that take 5 or more mins to fully load. theirs no risen for this or why shadows effect the PC GPU so badly. the game felt mostly empty and the game world WAY WAY TO SMALL the city was to small even irl look the hole are looked to painfully crushed into a very small area... really would of loved to explore a huge city trying to Survive and or start in the large outer parts of the city then the side naberhoods of that then the outer woods.. and it makes no scene why they made painfully small citys. it feels like theres really only one. (there's 2 but i got there jumping off a bridge into good naber.. xD)


and the list of DLCs, i feel should of been part of the base game there that small and by now we should of had real new areas to explore. like in FNV and F3 after there 2 DLCs ( i get the game of the year back so when they where released i dono sry)


i tryed to fix most too all the spellings but FF works only so good at my bad spelling and grammar skills and yes im out of HS

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The issue is FAR more complex. The mega gaming successes on consoles this generation and last have been CLASSIC PC game designs- the exact type of gaming the previous phase of console gaming ignored utterly. As the consoles become nothing but fixed iterations of classic PC hardware architecture, console gaming converges with PC gaming.


BUT- and here's where the complaints of people like you ring true- too many PC-gaming originating devs feel a PATHETIC need to embrace the worst perceived aspects of console gaming. There is ZERO proof that the MOST successful console titles need to dumb-down to gain success. Indeed, I'd say the proof is the exact opposite- console gamers have been wonderfully responsive to increasing levels of PC-like sophistication. It is the devs who are the problem- old men trying to think like the 12-year-old boys who scream endless streams of obscenities during their game of COD.


When old men try to be 'cool', they really show themselves to be has-beens. iD ruined itself on exactly this kick- before Beth purchased the remnants.


Dark Souls PROVES real hard skillful gaming sells. Witcher 3 PROVES that adult adventure stories sell. GTA V and Dying Light and Skyrim/Fallout 4 prove the massive market for true open-world VICARIOUS gameplay. But as the owners/managers/lead devs at key dev house age, they loose touch with what gaming really means. These are married old men whose gaming consists of casual rubbish on iOS, and nothing else (John Carmack of iD BOASTED that the only gaming he did was children's games on Nintendo with his son for heaven' sake).


Then look at the impact of fools who think they must hero-worship their favourite devs, and shout down any constructive criticism, Animal Farm fashion.


We all know FO4 vanilla is a very mediocre game, that doesn't come close to delivering the out-of-box experience its BILLION dollar+ sales warrant. But we all know FO4 is (in theory) more moddable than ever- a sandbox that modders could alter in the most wonderful ways. We simply want Beth to GET OUT OF THE WAY and allow real hard-core modding to progress.

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"We all know FO4 vanilla is a very mediocre game"


That's your opinion, and whilst it may be a perfectly valid opinion (for you) you can't possibly speak for everyone who bought it, or even everyone on here. I happened to enjoy it, even before I started downloading mods for it, and I'm still enjoying it now. In fact, Fallout 4 re-kindled my interest in gaming, more so than even Witcher 3 was able to do.


I have an XBox One which I rarely use (except as a Blu-Ray/DVD player) as the vast majority of my gaming is on my computer, but I accept that there are millions of gamers around the world who game on consoles, I don't like it when games are dumbed down for the PC as a result, but I still believe that we get the better end of the stick compared to console gamers.


My understanding, when the current gen of consoles came out, was that they were more like the PC for developement of games and therefore the PC versions wouldn't need to be dumbed down so much.

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I find it interesting how the playstation and xbox companies announced they would be updating/releasing consoles at a increased rate to counter pc supremacy, a Ps4.5 if you will.


Then nividia announces the GeForce GTX 1080graphics card, which seems astronomically better than anything they could do on even a new/updated console.


i agree with the poster the dumbing down of society in general to suit the needs of the mouth breathing masses seems to pervade almost everything at this point. I've never understood the appeal of "smart phone" games, and the user interface seems to suffer in games like skyrim/fallout because of consoles (not to mention they admitted they nerfed graphics for consoles across the board, pc, and console versions)


I just hope the pc users can pull their heads out of the sand, and get as loud as the uneducated, simple-minded, vocal minority that runs the show now, if we were all more passionate and vocal about our love of pc games and the vast potential and power that pc gaming provides, i feel we could change the trajectory.


lol check out my twitter.com/HoneyBearSquish i post tons of screenshots with tons of settlement mods ^^ and i am relentlessly promoting fallout 4 and the mods i use, which seems to be convincing at least a few to see the glory that is pc gaming :D i don't do it for the likes i do it for the love of the game, and to show others what is possible if your patient and take the time to get alot of the awesome settlement mods working together ^^


P.S. sorry for the long, poorly written grammatically incorrect rant :P

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Then nividia announces the GeForce GTX 1080graphics card, which seems astronomically better than anything they could do on even a new/updated console.


Gtx 1080 will be priced between 600-700$ depending on aftermarket cooling solution and brand. PS4 includes a pad and a free game and costs 400$.


Consoles are just better entry level product for novice gamers or those that do not wish to have anything to do with technical aspects of hardware and firmware. Families can justify replacing old Blu-Ray player with a console that supports Netflix and can store media files.


If someone had to build a whole new rig with necessary peripherials for 400 bucks it wouldn't be that great either. For those who own high end pc rigs it usually means that their work station doubles as gaming platform. Building an expensive rig just gaming is still niche when compared to amount of average pcs + consoles.



We just have to admit that we are not in market segment where game studios can easily gain profits. A console title needs optimization only for PS4 and Xbone, for pc you have to make adjustments for whole range of operating systems plus cpu's and work together with GPU manufacturers on driver optimization. Also PC users are less likely to buy new AAA title with average review score when there are dozens of F2P or Steam Sale options to choose from.



In next years we can expect some sort of unification and simpler transition between Xbone and PC games released in the future. Xbone is already Windows dependant platform and AMD is making push with their new architecture for DirectX 12. Lets hope there won't be too many cheapskate solutions in next generation of hardware. AMD previously won the bid for console contract due to price. With how AMD was lagging behind in PC GPU/CPU performance for past few years neither Nvidia or Intel were in hurry to push their developement too far ahead (10-20% performance gain each new generation).


The ultimate PC enthusiast dream is min 60fps @4k resolution and over 120fps for high refresh monitors. And all of that achievable in a detailed sandbox game. We are definitely not there yet, optimization or it's lack is not the limiting factor.

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If someone had to build a whole new rig with necessary peripherials for 400 bucks it wouldn't be that great either. For those who own high end pc rigs it usually means that their work station doubles as gaming platform. Building an expensive rig just gaming is still niche when compared to amount of average pcs + consoles.


This sounds about right. I built my own pc many years ago and I had to choose at the time between a new pc and a big screen tv. In the end, it was the fact that I'm a digital artist (and I hate watching tv) and I'd get more of my money's worth out of a new pc. Ironically, I didn't spec out a new pc according to my art requirements but instead, made sure that whatever I got would run the latest game at the time which was Crysis. I knew that if I could run that on high settings than it would be able to do anything else I asked it to. I'm still running the same processor to this day although over the years I have maxed out memory and upgraded the video card a few times. Wish I could say the same about the consoles I still own.


I gave up on buying consoles once I realized that I was wasting my money on already out-dated hardware and overpriced games. I also didn't like the fact that any time a console maker decided to bring out the next generation, the previous one would be quickly forgotten. That left me with a dead gaming console and a whole collection of now useless games.

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I think the appropriate phrase would be ""We all know FO4 vanilla is a very mediocre game" compared to what it could've been
it's decent enough as a title unto itself but seriously, there's elements of the issue that I would also summarize as
in art if you're not top, you're nothing/worse than nothing

learn from robert greene
Why is Reputation Important?

Reputation is the cornerstone of power. In the social realm, appearances are the barometer of almost all our judgments. Your reputation will protect you in the dangerous game of appearances, distracting the probing eyes of others from knowing what you are really like, and giving you a degree of control over how the world judges you — a powerful position to be in.
A strong reputation increases your presence and exaggerates your strengths without you having to spend much energy. It can also create an aura around you that will instill respect, even fear.

now, for those of you with a more complex interest, I hope to get at something

it pains me that the watering down of things to consoles is such a large part of all of this stuff, but the underlying dynamics are something worrying to me, I think that if it weren't for console plebs the games wouldn't even be tenable in such an environment as this for certain of the "higher end" games, although they tend to shoot themselves in the foot trying to appeal to consoles as well - it's a rigged game for everyone and I think this has deeper implications than people realize, I think that the economics behind the games market mirror the real world's situation, wealth inequality leads to console plebs being a larger thing out of sheer utility (cheap, affordable, does the job kind of meh but better than nothing and the cost doesn't prohibit getting other things and so on) - this aspect is vital because poor people do not stop buying things, they start really getting into "efficiency of cash usage" stuff, where the pure quality of a thing isn't even thought about necessarily, "true art" is a luxury for those with disposable income, but if the console plebs as it were, didn't spend similar amounts of cash to what PC master racers do, then the actual price of computer games would skyrocket due to the smaller market
anyone knows what I'm talking about when they see poor people with tacky stuff and you just know it's kind of a placeholder decoration to an extent even if they were to get used to it, poor people have tacky tastes, there's something about the busybody attitude that comes from having to do the daily grind, socialites do too and they do the daily grind out of choice, but the more reclusive types, they need the ability to step back from the daily grind in order to fulfill their artistic visions

the only way out is to make enough people get enough money to live off of comfortably such that they can all appreciate the superior glory that is the PC master race ethos of awesome games and so on~

Edited by tartarsauce2
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I had a really nice machine that would exceed the specs for skyrim in every way. But because of poor integration with the graphics drivers that I could get,

dwemer astrology puzzle to get the elder scroll

never successfully rendered the light beams in that f*#@ing room so the only way I could progress was to solve that by brute force which required something like 300 different iterations to work.

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