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Unreal Engine 4 Online Roleplay Project (like Skyrim)


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Hi all!


I am a Developer of a online roleplay game, like Skyrim.


Its my first own Project and i have allready completed some systems in the game.

My next step is to add weapons, armors, clothing and character textures.


My designing skills are very poor, so i am looking for your help!



The game would have sexual content with these animations too, thats why i am looking for nude male and female body textures in high quality (4k solution).


As a special thanks for your help i would give you a special account (free) with lifetime access to the game and all futured contend.

The game is actually in a very soon pre alpha version, so it would take much time to make it ready for a real alpha version and playable for the players.

You can take part of the special development of the game.


Dont know this is the right forum for my question, but i can see here so much talents in 3D Art and more, thats what i am looking for!



My english is very bad, so if you can speak german, this would be very good for upcoming communications.


Contact me if you are interested to this project in Unreal Engine 4.






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