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Enemy footsteps too quiet


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Hi folks,


I dont know, if this is normal, but i barely can hear enemy footsteps. Its like they are moving silenty and I´m always surprised by attacks from behind. It´s like 5enemies chasing me off and I don´t even recognize it.

So is there a solution to turn enemy footsteps louder? I figured out, I can turn the overall step volume higher. But doesnt seem to work on enemy footstep volume.


Thanks for help!

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For all non human enemies it is actually bad idea, hence mods like "quiet feet" and/or the option to silent them on Wrye's Bash.


The reason is the huge performance hit those simple steps do to the machine, doesn't matter how powerful the machine is. It's a bug in the engine and probably you have one the above options already set, else you would be hearing the steps but probably having severe stuttering too.

Edited by nosisab
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If the steps sounds are not purposely silent by some option in a mod, there are two ways to get them louder, the first and obvious is reducing the other gauges (minus the master, of course) and putting the steps gauge on max too. It's strange because just making this above 70% while keeping music around 45/50 and voice maxed I get grasshopper steps sounding like an old steam train.


The second method is reversing what "quiet feet" does in some it's less aggressive setups, which would be editing the original sound one at a time and making them naturally louder... too much work to notice it just made your game worse in the end.


Repeating, there is a sound bug in the engine which cause Oblivion to stutter like crazy when some creature feet are playing. This bug is not related with hardware power, I'm not sure about the reason so I'll not adventure stating what I think it may be. It's enough to know it is serious issue.

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If the steps sounds are not purposely silent by some option in a mod, there are two ways to get them louder, the first and obvious is reducing the other gauges (minus the master, of course) and putting the steps gauge on max too. It's strange because just making this above 70% while keeping music around 45/50 and voice maxed I get grasshopper steps sounding like an old steam train.


The second method is reversing what "quiet feet" does in some it's less aggressive setups, which would be editing the original sound one at a time and making them naturally louder... too much work to notice it just made your game worse in the end.


Repeating, there is a sound bug in the engine which cause Oblivion to stutter like crazy when some creature feet are playing. This bug is not related with hardware power, I'm not sure about the reason so I'll not adventure stating what I think it may be. It's enough to know it is serious issue.


thx for the advice, but the first solution turns the player footsteps louder aswell and that makes the game kinda annoying.

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So, get an application, like audacity for example, and edit all the pertinent sound files to make them louder. Keep all other properties as they are, mainly don't make it stereo. This should do the trick. Edited by nosisab
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