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SWTOR now up for Pre Order!


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Have they said what the fee is yet? I'm not ordering anything without knowing the cost.


going to be the same as rift i hear


8 to 9 pounds jim , i bet they do a deal for £25.99 for 3 months or something like that.

Edited by overload1977
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Actually they haven't stated what the payment method for Star Wars Old Republic is yet, however there has been talk about it going Free to Play on launch. If don correctly this set up run quite well for Bioware in the long run, and even but a major hurt on the Juggernaught that is World of Warcraft.
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As it stands, hell no.


I havent seen a good starwars game since 2001, definitely not wasting money on this till I KNOW they've gotten back on form.

well at lest we have space marine to look forward too next week Vindekarr


Bahahahaha yes, we'll show those xeno-lovers yet! FOR CHAOS! HATE FOR HATE'S SAKE!!!


Yeah... Im sure it won't be too bad, and if it's good, maybe, but Im just a bit worried it's going to be terrible. Is it not a bioware game? you know I don't like the way those guys do layout, and even still, the last few SW games have been abysmal. force unleashed(no capitals for you, scum) was easily the worst big-budget game I've ever played, it was gaming's episode-1(no caps for you either, gungan filth!) and put me totaly off the whole SW universe. Im sure they can turn it round, but Im wary. I got my faith in lucas shaken to the very core, it'll take a fair bit to make me feel confident enough to commit to buying this.

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