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How do I start a quest instantly??


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How do I make a quest instantly available to the player the second my mod installed and they load their game?


Just like how official fallout DLC does, where it makes the quest to get there instantly upon getting it.



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Start game enabled? (it is a little box you must check for the quest popping when the game is loaded, if the quest comes to a finishing stage it is terminated for good. This is useful to start quest which give items once, for example).


Moreover you can force a quest to start using "StartQuest questID"

Edited by nosisab
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oh, I seeeeee. I thought it functioned differently than that.


I've used that for dialogue related stuff, but the quest never popped up on the top right corner for their dialogue quest...


Is there something else I need to do to get the quest to literally pop up the quest name in the corner?

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