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What game would you create?


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If you had the knowhow, the money and the time, what game would you design and what would be the overall theme behind it. What storyline would it have and how would it end?


Would it be more action or more puzzle solving.


Would it be open ended or have a set number of tasks to perform.


Would it have a human, emotional feel or just a hard, razors edge type of appeal.


Could you save it anytime, or would you have to reach a certain area or have a certain device to save.


Would the ending be set or would there be multiple endings having to do with the route the player4 took?

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Interestingly, I actually plan on a career in the game design industry once I have the necessary education for it. I want to train in all aspects of game design (such as texturing, modelling, map-making, scripting/programming, etc...). I enjoy making mods both for my own personal use as well as for public release as with my Butcher mod for Oblivion, and of course I enjoy gaming.


As for what game I'd create, that's a bit difficult to answer because there are so many aspects of the game to think about and many good potential plots/storylines that would interest me.


Here's my shot at two I tend to think of lately:


1. A medieval themed game much like a mix between games like Oblivion and Skyrim as well as historically accurate ones like the Total War series. It would take place in either a fictional or real world and involve many different cultures (Norse/Viking, Saxon, Celtic, Medieval Europe, Greco-Roman, Arabian, even cultures of further away places like China/Japan and East Africa). It would be an open roleplaying game with no set in stone ending, and of course free play after the ending.


2. An alternate history game or fictional history game mixed between the Gears of War lore and real life events such as World War 2 and the Cold War. It would be more of a first person shooter and have a solid ending, but with actual lore behind it.


Also, both would be free of the DRM plague, as that is something I'm strongly against.

Edited by DeathWarrior
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Hmmm... what game would I create...


The idea actually started in High-school, back when Runescape was still popular. We (being my friends and I) all thought it would be cool if the tech slowly developed in the game, from here have a bronze spear to here, have a laser pistol. Evolutions of societies, especially on large scales, have always been interesting to me, and assuming money, time, man power, et cetera was not an issue, I could hire my legion of a million codes/artists to build my dream.


Of course, you can all get free copies at your local Best Buy, on the 10-disc set, and that's not counting the extra 3 discs of free DLC.


To elaborate, it would be a MMORPG RTS. There would be massive cities which players could form guilds/clans/whatever to fight over, either diplomatically, through bribery, or through violence. Players could choose to either be a citizen of the city at creation, or live in the countryside in a smaller NPC-run village. The villages would be subject to being made vassals by the player-run cities. The player-run cities would gain NPC conscripts for basic defense, in addition to supplies for trade/building up the city/its defenses.


Character death would be permanent, but upon re-creation, you would come back as your previous chars descendant. You would get most of the possessions/money back, but you would have to build your character back up, so your previous life isn't a total waste, but death is still a penalty.


I could probably refine/elaborate on it, but it's 2 AM here, and I'm going to bed.

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I've already created a ton of games (even try the game in my signature) and I (self proclaim) am fairly good at it (but you can decide).


I could also create a lot more mods if I had 3ds max as home, which I don't. :(


My favourite types of games are action, medieval/fantasy based. Also racing, yeah.

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My idea of a game would be multiplayer-based RPG with elements of both RTS and First Person View, where you create your own country. Everything can be customized, landscape, the architecture, people, army, navy, airforce etc.

Then you can go into a skirmish online, and the country you created like gets it's own "Tile" on the map. Like an Island or something.


I actually wrote a script on 500 pages and sent it to a game company, but they could not make it.

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Started it out about 10 years ago. I have this huge 3 ring binder with all of my notes, concept art, etc. It is called The Red Door. The game is all about finding the red door to save a small town in the Louisana bayou. It's a fabulous (imho) plot line. I took the lineage of the main characters all the way from present day back to the 1500's. It's an action/adventure RPG. Has puzzles, exploration, several unique tweaks to make it very creepy, sinister and engaging.


The plot is set up to make you think one person is the villain, when at the end you find out you're totally wrong. I created a whole new religion based on Santeria and VooDoo, with 10 corresponding deities. There is a relationship in everything that reflects the concept of good vs. evil, light vs. dark.


Anything with a spooky, old fashioned carnival, plus a slaughterhouse in it, has got to be good, lol Actually I hate writing about it, because it's so much creativity going to waste. But I'm not a game maker. I can create the story and describe the mechanics, I just wish I could create it as well. It would be a great game.

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