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CTD after a couple minutes of play


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So I started modding Skyrim and I fleshed all of the issues that arose in process except for that cropped up recently. I will crash every few minutes without warning. According to the SKSE minidumps, the error code 0xc000005 which is trying to read from virtual memory data without proper access. At least that is the description that Visual Studios gives me.


Important things that may be related.

  • SKSE
  • ENB
  • Windows 10
  • Skyrim is installed on second drive
  • Same goes for Mod Organizer

Also something to note, I have pagefile disabled but task manager tells me I have paged memory along with MSI Afterburner reporting the pagefile being used.

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Oh joy - do I know the feeling well. There can be a number of causes to this one. I've been through loads myself though usually it is CTD on saving that causes this for me.


First up, I assume you use the latest SKSE, and the SKSE INI with the memory patch built in? If so - all well and good. You use Mod Organizer like I do, and I found the SKSE version of the Memory Patch is difficult to get to work (entirely my stupidity), so I use the original Sheson DLL memory patch set up and remove the SKSE INI version. It just works better for me.


The Windows Virtual Memory error can cover a number of memory-related game issues. Have a look at these:

  • The game files are launched with administrator permission
  • Load order is exactly spot on (random CTDs, will give the 0xc000005 error even if the cause is a load order problem)
  • Check your ENBLocal.ini settings are spot on - these memory settings are crucial with Windows 10 - loads of advice on STEP.
  • Make sure your Skyrim INI files are fairly vanilla - no weird memory hacks in them!
  • Are your game save files clean of loose and broken scripts?
  • If you use HDT - make sure it is all working - that can cause grief in itself.

Perhaps someone with more expertise can offer better advice. But I've usually found the SKSE / Sheson Memory Patch set up is the main culprit behind these - with ENB memory settings adding to the mess.

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