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Change of Ad Provider


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In response to post #37620645. #37623800, #37644655 are all replies on the same post.

gameboytj wrote: So is it safe to turn adblockplus off yet?
lued123 wrote: Like he said, they'll be switching on Saturday, so if the new provider isn't as garbage, it will be safe then.
AceCarteria wrote: You really shouldn't use ABP. Go get uBlock Origin instead.

Why? What's the difference between the two? ABP always seems to work for me in deterring the "nasty" sites.
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In response to post #37642095. #37644145 is also a reply to the same post.

JerichoCAL wrote: I just want to take a moment to say how impressed I am with your service to your community. Not only are you NOT exploiting your user-base by basically forcing them to pay to get rid of shitty ads, but you are also risking your revenue for the betterment of your user's experience. Bravo. I can not stress how impressive and admirable that is. If anything should move people to donation for premium, it should be this, and I myself definitely see myself donating in the future.
Thank you! I believe the world should consider you and the Nexus team a group of saints for the dedication you offer!
Madcat221 wrote: Would you be surprised to know that he's turned down offers to buy the Nexus network?

Thank god he hasn't. I don't want another Mojang or Oculus incident.
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Thank you!

I've had an account on this site for years and always ran ad-block specifically for ads that had auto-play video and audio.


With this i'll gladly turn off ad blocks to help the Nexus thrive!


Nothing worse then leaving Nexus up after installing a new mod, going into game, playing 3 minutes and having my ears explode about how one simple trick can make me lose weight or get buff. Video ads are bad too in that they chew RAM. Considering this is a gaming oriented site, could you get ad revenue from Newegg or Amazon? Ads I've seen from them have always been discreet and well targeted.

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In response to post #37620645. #37623800, #37644655, #37645075 are all replies on the same post.

gameboytj wrote: So is it safe to turn adblockplus off yet?
lued123 wrote: Like he said, they'll be switching on Saturday, so if the new provider isn't as garbage, it will be safe then.
AceCarteria wrote: You really shouldn't use ABP. Go get uBlock Origin instead.
yuiop321 wrote: Why? What's the difference between the two? ABP always seems to work for me in deterring the "nasty" sites.

I looked into it but it appears to be an opt-in adblocker. I specifically prefer opt-out blockers so that websites I visit incidentally (i.e. have no investment in or visit once in a blue moon) are kept clean and I can deliberately opt out of the ad blocking on websites (like the Nexus) or individual YouTube channels that I want to.
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Dark0ne, this means a hell of a lot to me actually, and warms my heart. Most content providers don't care enough to do something like this when necessary. It just further shows that Nexus Mods is someone I can trust.


I have to be honest, though, the auto-playing and malware filled ads are what eventually pushed me to do my lifetime subscription, but I don't regret it because the download speeds are FREGGEN AMAZING with the subscription. Whoooooo~~ like a bullet whizzing past my ear.


All in all, I have to say I'm super proud of you guys for doing this. It's noble and honorable.


If you need any help with sorting ads or finding reputable sources, I have 10+ years in web design and am newly into the info security industry just this year.


I will say one of the bad things about those ads were that they would "rotate" or refresh to new ads every couple seconds, which made the page continuously load and slowed down not only my downloads, but my entire browser. Just a heads up.


I really appreciate this, and thank you for everything you do,



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In response to post #37644390.

Christhulhu wrote: I fully appreciate your diligence in taking care of this ad issue, and will gladly turn off my adblocker as soon as this Saturday comes around. Currently, this site is borderline unusable with the sorts of ads we get here.
just a suggestion, maybe you can incentivize people to turn off their adblockers by giving them some form of redeemable credit. That credit could be redeemed for short term (maybe a day or a week's work) premium membership, or even just partial features of the premium membership, like access to premium servers.

I will be turning my addblocker off come saturday as well and as long as the new adds are not intrusive and don't jack around with my browser anymore I will keep it off. I never wanted to have it turn on for this site in the first place because I love this site but I had to with the way it was because the adds would strangle my browser until it gave up and crashed and died.

As for your incentive idea, if I was the site owner and I saw your idea it would just piss me off, it's like asking them to bribe us to stop ripping them off and that is really messed up if you think about it. They definitely should not be asked to gift us with anything for not blocking a portion of their revenue especially when we should be thankful that they don't outright and justifiably block addblock users. Be thankful that they are understanding and don't block addblock users besides they already do give us incentive to not use addblock by giving faster download speeds to those who don't use it or turn it off while on their site (which I think is kind of shitty but only because turning on adds as they are now is kind of like giving your browser tranquilizers mixed with a micro dose of acid, so you end up losing time and productivity anyway, but I can't really blame them too much for doing that).
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