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Change of Ad Provider


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Want to say thanks for running an awesome site and for caring about how things are run so much. I have been lucky enough to have found this site back when Oblivion came out and have been modding ever since.


Between Oblivion, Skyrim, FO:NV, and FO:4 I have a modest 1000ish hours invested in these games which have only been made even more awesome with the nexus community. So thanks again and keep up the awesome work. :)




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i got supporter because i wanted to actually still support the site, and i have like 12 nexus tabs open daily, so hearing 5 different noisy ads can be a pain. i am shocked that even on major websites like youtube, we get ads like "this one weird wrinkle trick has doctors mad"(gee, i wonder why), "download this essential windows update" or "you have 1 new message". i am happy to see that the staff here at the nexus are taking steps to prevent such fraudulent and annoying advertisement, it shows my money was very well spent.
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Glad to see this article. I've had my adblocker on for a while on this site because of the number of ads that were tripping my antivirus.


As a rule of thumb, if you've got "clean" ads and I use your services a lot I typically disable adblocking to help support the site with my traffic.


I was disappointed when I felt the compulsion to switch it back on, but my PC comes first. Here's hoping we see some improvement going forward.

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Well done guys! I am probably just your average user but your site has been a blast and I am glad to have been able to support it the little bit I have. Thanks for being transparent about this type of stuff it's appreciated and helps people understand that you are doing your best to provide a quality site. Keep up the great work and thanks so much for this place. It's an amazing value and I'd encourage others who have really gotten a lot of of it to help pitch in. We pay so much for often crappy games, something like this great site is well deserved of a few pieces from our coffers.
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In response to post #37890515.

cabbagesoup4me wrote: Just wanted to say thank you. I have turned my Adblock Plus off for Nexus and am pleasantly surprised with the content of the new ads - actually reading some of them (and followed the links).
Yours in gaming - Cabbagesoup4me

LOL, dig your username ;) that's awesome!
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In response to post #37865240. #37873155 is also a reply to the same post.

TakezoDunmer2005 wrote: I use the ghostery plugin for Opera and normally it blocks 16-18 trackers, but when I disabled it there was a deluge of 80 and counting trackers! It's as if the trackers had trackers with their trackers!

...I think I'll go with a premium account instead...
ZeketheGeek wrote: No matter how long you decide to be premium, when it runs out you become a 'supporter' and have no ads. Not only worth the download speeds, but the lack of ads as well.

Can confirm- the exact same thing happens to me with Ghostery, but with Chrome. It's an ugly mess that I cant imagine is 100% safe for my computer. Definitely want to do my part and support the site though, so I think I'll go the premium route too.

Absolutely love the attention and care on your part Nexus! Glad to be a part of all of this. Thanks for leading by example!
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I disabled the ad block software for this site now, so I can check out these changes. Wasn't at all impressed with the previous ad service when I last checked it.


I'm still curious to know whether the site generates an income based on simply having the ads displayed, or whether no income is generated unless someone actually clicks an ad?

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I've never had problems. The worst I found is autoplaying sound stuff and since I have firefox I just mute that tab. I generally just have the little box ad and the banner ad at the top no more no less.


Despite not having these problems though I wholeheartedly appreciate that the Staff here on Nexus always strive to make things better, even at cost of AdRev.

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Thanks for caring about your users. :)


I have anxiety problems and while I wouldn't call it a "trigger", sudden loud noises are a serious annoyance for me. Some of those ads didn't just autoplay, they autoplayed at full blast, on a page that could have been forgotten in the background for hours. I even have a mute background tabs add-on for Chrome but they often ignore it until manually muted.


I respect sites' need for revenue and don't like to use adblockers, but it's really nice when the site takes its users into account as well. Thanks again!

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