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Dead Money DLC


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Worst DLC ever. Wow what horrible design decisions. So many annoyances with this DLC, lol Am sure most who have played it knows what "annoyances" I am talking about.


/end rant

Edited by soot00
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TBH, agree hated dead money tbh, only good thing about it was the stealth armor that came with it.
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Actually I liked it.

The story was good, the characters had nice stories, the enviroments were post-apocalyptic (just how i like it).

I also liked how you actually had to survive, and the radio's were a great idea too.


I expected to be inside the Sierra Madre a bit sooner, but overall the DLC was good, I'd say similar to Operation Anchorage.

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It was alright. It didn't offer anything down-right spectacular, but I did enjoy the back-story of it. In all, I'd give it a 6.5/10.


Eventually, it became very linear and very monotonous and I found myself just pushing on with it in order to get done with it. I suppose it offered a challenge, which is always enjoyable, but it wasn't anything new. Frankly, I found that being stripped of everything you own was unnecessary.

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It was alright. It didn't offer anything down-right spectacular, but I did enjoy the back-story of it. In all, I'd give it a 6.5/10.


Eventually, it became very linear and very monotonous and I found myself just pushing on with it in order to get done with it. I suppose it offered a challenge, which is always enjoyable, but it wasn't anything new. Frankly, I found that being stripped of everything you own was unnecessary.


This was the first time playing thru it. On my future plays, am skippin this DLC altogether. Was very very monotonous.

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Worst DLC ever. Wow what horrible design decisions. So many annoyances with this DLC, lol Am sure most who have played it knows what "annoyances" I am talking about.


/end rant


If there are future games for the Fallout line, it would be good for developers to remember that games should be enjoyable rather than annoying and tedious.

Edited by Moksha8088
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I agree with sootOO. It's like this is conceived as the developer's revenge against anyone who says New Vegas is too easy. It's like "Oh yeah? Well, we can make it much harder, much more frustating experience! Try this!". So the result is indeed a challenging and frustating experience. Too bad they forgot that, as Journeyman said, a game should be an enjoyable experience most of all. Sure, they need to be challenging, it's part of the enjoyable experience, won't be if it's too easy. But to simply add as many obstacles in front of the player as possible isn't going to make an enjoyable experience.


I've enjoyed Honest Heart immensely, and have played through it several times. Old World blues is also very good, though being new, I've gone through it only once. But I have no desire to go back to Sierra Madre ever again.

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I would give it a max of 3.5/10


Here are my issues.


1. You get kidnapped by the former brotherhood elder, and you can hardly bring it up with the brotherhood.


2. You lose all of your weapons for no reason, he kidnapped you knowing you had to fight.


3. Your companions just disappear.


4. The maze of builds takes away from the open world feel of fallout.


5. Very limited enemy choices.


6. The fog was honestly terrible, made it hard to see. It wouldn't of been so bad if it wasn't in a maze.


7. The new weapons weren't that cool.


8. The casino was kinda boring. It was pretty much just a big casino with a vault, I would have expected more.


9. THE BOMB COLLAR. It was close to impossible to tell where the signals were coming from before your head was blown off.


The good things I can say is that the character development was OK, I liked the new clothes and armor, and I liked the room full of gold.


The setting (which is pretty much the base for any DLC) was horrid.

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