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Dualing in the streets!?


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Where on TES Wiki?

That's cool if true!! 8)


Yeah, it says that you can walk up to some random (It doesnt say if there are set npc's or not) npc and request a dual, and that they will do the same to you. After they (Or you) say yes to the dual, you have a law-free fight right out in the street!

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I hope people can back down from duels if they're intimidated, that would be more realistic.


Odds are, Beathesda put more then "Walk up and ask to kill the guy" Type dialog


Hopefully, they've failed at interaction before.


After all, telling someone 'You're a lovely person, did you know I killed ten minotaurs? YOU BETTER TELL ME EVERYTHING I WANT TO KNOW BEFORE I RIP OUT YOUR THROAT! Hey, did you hear the one about the dunmer and the mudcrab?' won't exactly get someone to like you. xD

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"There are non-lethal tavern brawls in the game."

This was in some interview

And in the Skyrim Info thread, too. Probably the same, at least almost, and not to the death.

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