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Norweigan Terrorattack


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My question: Why Norway? They don't express open violence towards others. They have pretty few enemies. Moreover, why would some crazy attack NORWAY of all places when they had much more accessible locations for their sick, twisted radicalism? Just sad, that a place like that gets such a gruesome attack.
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My question: Why Norway? They don't express open violence towards others. They have pretty few enemies. Moreover, why would some crazy attack NORWAY of all places when they had much more accessible locations for their sick, twisted radicalism? Just sad, that a place like that gets such a gruesome attack.

He is a Right-wing Christian extremeist who was anti-Islam and wanted to get rid of Muslim Immigration, that is why he did it (I assume he belived Norway was a pro-Islam immigration country which is why he did it.) I can't believe this would happen to such a peaceful and an awesome country.

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The funny thing is that the media isn't correcting their statements about Muslim extremists before they found out that it was that guy but is now focusing on the guys comments that he used MW2 as a training simulator. Way to avoid the issue guys :dry:


I hope that the judiciary makes an exception at this case and give him life. May he rot in jail.

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I instantly knew this guy was a right wing political terrorist.


How hard is that to figure out when someone bombs a political office and attacks a labor party youth camp?


This is sick, and it really pisses me off that some media sources are not referring to him as a terrorist.

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So, it was a guy thinking Norway is the new Mecca... I'm sorry, could that really be any stupider? Islam is probably a SERIOUS minority in Norway.

Ugh... crazy terrorist. Attacked a perfectly awesome country for nothing.

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So, it was a guy thinking Norway is the new Mecca... I'm sorry, could that really be any stupider? Islam is probably a SERIOUS minority in Norway.

Ugh... crazy terrorist. Attacked a perfectly awesome country for nothing.

What really confuses me is what he was trying to do. Was he trying to make people make the Muslims out of his country? (If you do not comply there shall be more killings!) But he was arrested. Was he hoping someone would be inspired by his actions? Then why did he kill the non-Muslims?


My country's news channel rarely reports on this, so can somebody summarize what's going on?

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I can try to explain this in a simple way.


In Norway, regarding the immigration you've got two sides. The one side is welcoming everybody, the other side want's to limit immigration, but only from places not sharing our culture. Basically the last side don't want Africans, muslims... that sort of things.


Then you got the two biggest parties in Norway. Arbeiderpartiet (Workers Party) which call themselfs Socialdemocrats (Socialist in my eyes). It was their youth-party that got attacked on their yearly gathering on this island.

Then the other biggest party in Norway. Fremskrittspartiet (Progress Party) which is against immigration from especially muslim countries and such. ABB was actually a member in FpU (Youth party of FrP, Progress Party) many many years ago.


Basically, what ABB tried to do, was to eliminate the future socialists/democratics and scare them so they would not dare to interfere in politics, so that a anti-immigration party could win in some years to stop the immigration.


On a personal note, I usually vote Progress Party or the a bit more "anti" party, Democrats, during the elections. Reasons are that they want low taxes and no foreign aid, including stopping the immigration from non-western countries.


What ABB did is terrible wrong and the only thing he accomplished, was 100 more people signed up for the left-wing parties. Thankfully there was at least 70 new members to the parties I vote also.


Hope this is a somewhat good answer in why he did this.

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I would suggest that they had let him go.... Straight into the masses of people outside of the courtroom and let some real justice commence.
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