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Which faction did you side with?


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NONE... my best way was to break the rules by killing both ceasar, house, benny, kahn's chief, and finally take controle of the mojave with my Protectron army.


It was soooo fun when the general of NCR came to me sayin.. "Well done that was a gret victory for us "


And me replyin..." For us ??? I don't need you anymore around here you can leave now, and if you try anything stupid remember i have hundreds of bad robots surrounding you, you don't stand any chance... ho and remenber i can bomb your bases with my boomers friends, capiche !!!!!"

Edited by MonsterMonkey
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NONE... my best way was to break the rules by killing both ceasar, house, benny, kahn's chief, and finally take controle of the mojave with my Protectron army.


It was soooo fun when the general of NCR came to me sayin.. "Well done that was a gret victory for us "


And me replyin..." For us ??? I don't need you anymore around here you can leave now, and if you try anything stupid remember i have hundreds of bad robots surrounding you, you don't stand any chance... ho and remenber i can bomb your bases with my boomers friends, capiche !!!!!"



the NCR is much more powerful than you realise, they would have no trouble sending reinforcements and obliterating you.

they destroyed the enclave and beat the brotherhood. what makes you think you would win? the NCR has hundreds of thousands of soldiers, mabie millions, how could you possibly win?

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Totally wish you could set yourself up as the Overlord of Vegas. Kill or coerce the casino factions. Destroy the NCR embassy, maybe crash the monorail into it. Promise the Followers of the Apocalypse and the Brotherhood of Steel the opportunity to raid some of House's prewar tech. Give the Remnant a real chance at glory. All for the small price of their eternal souls, er, obedience.
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its kinda an issue of scale. same reason I haven't bothered much with mods like Enclave Commander and such, the game is built and intended for "lone wanderers" and "Chosen ones" rather then controlling whole armies or dealing with larger scale planning and intricacies.

presumably this is why when you put Yesman in charge, he basically doesn't require you to make anything but decisions of overall policy..

That and can you imagine the nightmare of scripting wholesale changes to the status-quo in a world as large and complex as Fallout?


its fun to speculate, but the game wasn't built with things like that in mind, and adding them would be tortuously difficult to do.

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That's kind of my point. My original play through, I did all the work, amassed an army, eliminated House, set up Yes Man. Next thing I know, I'm not calling the shots. This massive plot hole opens up and swallows all my hard work. I have no problem leaving Yes Man to deal with the drudgery as long as he leaves the overall policy to me. Does this happen? No. He discovers that he no longer needs me to think for him. Total bummer. All it would take is one simple kill switch to keep Yes Man under your thumb. The rest of my suggestions are more to ensure that those you beat down, stay down.
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To Answer Warkiller75...

I don't lie, i'did exactly what i'm saying and at the end NCR have leaved the Mojave, they can't do nothing against Protectrons MKII and they are absolutly not prepared to handle a B52 bombing.


Let me tell you what i feel about them

NCR Sucks, no kidding they are ridiculous, they look like 20th century army underequiped the basic NCR soldier is fighting with old M1 garland style riffle, wich can absolutly not pierce a power-armor. But they did !!!! wow wait a minute, this is the bad point about fallout NV, those guy could never have beated any brotherhood guy who fight with top hi tek weaps, it 's nonsense, they don't even have vertipters or planes, all they have is number.

Nobody really explain clearly how they won at Helios one i believe BOS Knights run outta ammo so they had to leave, but it means that NCR have lost considerous number of soldiers, what a great army !


They became imperialist faction that impose there view and steel people, they repeat errors from the past it can only end in wars.

They need to be stopped, The only factions i agree with are the followers of apocalypse and the Brotherhood of steel because they both have learned from human errors of the past they try to preserve civilisation in there own way.

I think they should work together.

Edited by MonsterMonkey
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To Answer Warkiller75...

I don't lie, i'did exactly what i'm saying and at the end NCR have leaved the Mojave, they can't do nothing against Protectrons MKII and they are absolutly not prepared to handle a B52 bombing.


Let me tell you what i feel about them

NCR Sucks, no kidding they are ridiculous, they look like 20th century army underequiped the basic NCR soldier is fighting with old M1 garland style riffle, wich can absolutly not pierce a power-armor. But they did !!!! wow wait a minute, this is the bad point about fallout NV, those guy could never have beated any brotherhood guy who fight with top hi tek weaps, it 's nonsense, they don't even have vertipters or planes, all they have is number.

Nobody really explain clearly how they won at Helios one i believe BOS Knights run outta ammo so they had to leave, but it means that NCR have lost considerous number of soldiers, what a great army !


They became imperialist faction that impose there view and steel people, they repeat errors from the past it can only end in wars.

They need to be stopped, The only factions i agree with are the followers of apocalypse and the Brotherhood of steel because they both have learned from human errors of the past they try to preserve civilisation in there own way.

I think they should work together.


I wouldn't worry about Warkiller75; he's been banned.

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I usually side with the NCR a lot because they're more military based.

I played the Legion once and I did enjoy that.

Mr. House's was alright.

Never played Independent before.

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