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Rearmament Mods


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Some of my favorite mods are those that take the vanilla armors and replace them with things not just better looking, but sometimes even more lore-friendly than their vanilla counterparts.


I'm preparing to compile what is -- in my mind at least -- the one-stop shop for replacer mods. I want to compile the best of all the mods out there, tweak them where necessary, and add a few splashes of my own.


My question for you all is this: What are YOUR favorite replacements, or what good replacement ideas do you have?


For example, the lore-friendly NCR rearmament and Legion redesigned are natural choices. Old raider helmets also goes a long way to relieving one of the boring fiend helmets. And I've got a few other ideas...


So let's hear your ideas. I'm sure you all have great ones.

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Project Nevada - Equipment adds a few armors and gives them to sensible factions in the gam e.g. the Boomers are given Airforce T-57c Power armour


I kinda have to agree with Shockw4ve. PN Adds some real sensible armor sets: Vault-tec power armor, T-57c PA being the most notable to me.

But also Warzones - Misanthropy pure (i think it was). Which adds the Enclave PA and Tesla PA.


Still, i get the impression there's a lot of unused FO3 armors in the FalloutNV.esm that arent really used ingame. and it would be very nice to see those being used again. (Enclave PA.. Rusted maybe? used by wandering NPC's (such as Mercs) since the enclave isn't a major presence anymore. Or Deteriorating PA (like theClassic PA from fallout 2 :P))


Hope there's actually any usefull hints in my little rant :P

Edited by Urwy
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NCR Rearmament

Legion Redesigned


Why would Boomers need Power Armor when no one even dares approach within 200 yards of their place? Isn't walking around in full body armor all the time while the Nevada sun scorches your ass off kinda pointless when you got no one to fight?

Edited by Glenstorm
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That's a funny point about the Boomers in Power Armor -- why bother? Although before they found Nellis, there could have been a use for it. Accordingly, arming the gate guards only makes some sense.


The goal of my mod is to amp up the degree of... how to put it?... badassness of the major factions. In Fallout 3, at least you had two opposing factions with various sets of power armor. However, in New Vegas, watching the opening video is exciting (because I love the story and setting) with the exception of the screen where it is said that the NCR held the dam, just barely. The armor and weapons shown there are totally underwhelming. This caused me to evaluate the scale of the standoff and factions at the Dam. Think about it: the NCR clad in boring brown uniforms and silly trooper hats versus the Legion in football pads and relatively lame masks -- does this do justice to the story? I think not. It's hard to not imagine the BoS emerging from Hidden Valley and wiping the floor with both the NCR and the Legion. The rangers and centurions are not enough of a presence to convince me otherwise.


Thus, the NCR rearmament helps a lot to make the troops look more like a significant military force--the type capable of clearing the Mojave of raiders and establishing a stable democracy. Legion redesigned goes a long way towards helping the Legion appear as a faction that is a real threat to snipers, rangers, and soldiers armed with machine guns and salvaged power armor.


In addition, TG's armors include a Legion helmet that I'll layer in to help Legion redesigned do a better job with headgear.


Toxa01 did a nice replacer mod for the NCR power armor. I'm currently trying to get his permission to use it AND make sure it doesn't include models or textures that are not suitable for the nexus. If it turns out this armor is acceptable, I'll recolor it to brown and include it.


There are some really nice modded sets of raider gear out there that I'm going to arm the fiend bosses with. Fiendish Power Armor is nice, but a little too much for them I think. (In a separate mod, I want to establish a raider camp to the east of the Colorado with the Four Horsemen where the FPA will be used.) It will require FO3 meshes and textures, but Moto-Runner in the modded Ashur's PA (with the horns on the helmet) will be nice; Cook Cook in raider power armor; Driver Nephi in either the psycho coat or raider leather armor; and Violet in bone armor.


I'm also going to layer in some other sets of armor to the BoS. Ramos will have the Star Paladin armor from daejones's FO3 mod (and maybe a Faderator!). The rest I still have to sort through.


So what else??? I want this to be as complete as possible, but 100% lore-friendly and sensible

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I doubt Boomers would have access to the "Air Force" armor before coming to Nellis. But moving on...


If you are serious about this thing, can you try adding a new sort of power armor for NCR heavies (currently boasting power armor which is stolen from BoS, kinda gives the whole thing a lame look). Also... I know I will be flamed for this, replace the current NCR Ranger Armor with Geonox Restored versions?


Take a look: http://www.newvegasn...le.php?id=39625


It simply throws away the retarded trenchcoat which serves no practical purpose. Also makes them look more badass and NOT like robots in.. well.. a trenchcoat. I know this is not what the cover says but apart from the really cool glow effect on the helmet (which curiously they failed to include in the game.. there is a mod for it though), I hardly found any appeal to it. Geonox's version make them look like a cross between ninjas and the Nanosuited soldiers (http://www.incrysis....Armor_mode2.jpg), as they should. they are the best of the NCR after all.

Edited by Glenstorm
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