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Range finder scopes


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I was wondering how hard it would be to add a range indicator to scopes? I am not a modder but I know there are many good ones out there that might like to do it. Please :dance:

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  • 7 months later...

it would be great especially if they used the in-game measurement of distance ( the numbers the range stat use) so we could more effectively use our guns.

why isn't this amazing idea even responded to? insane! i've seen endless nonsense like fancier homes which are just slapped together parts that are already in game, big booty mods etc but something this smart gets zero attention.

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The game has no drop and no velocity (or rather infinite velocity...) for ballistics. But, there are mods that add more realistic ballistics (like Weapons of Fate), that add velocity and drop. In those pages there have been discussions about range-finding, a lot of requests. Personally I'd love if an additional level of Sniper perk would allow you to adjust your scope for distance if you wanted, and/or you could craft range-finding binoculars or weapon attachments, and if the recon scope would display range and do the adjustment automatically. (Maybe the same delay mechanism that locks on the fire-and-forget missile mod could be used.) This combined with mods like Weapons of Fate would make this game significantly more fun/immersive/challenging.

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