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Questions on Creation Kit Vertibirds (AI packages/Scripts as well)


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So I'm pretty new to modding (by which I mean I started last week). One of the things I'm trying to do now is create a stationary Vertibird that is waiting at Sanctuary for you.


I had hoped to do this by finding the Vertibird NPC, duplicating it and changing a few settings/scripts/AI to make it start landed, allow you to travel with it as thought it was from a Vertibird signal grenade etc. However, I haven't had any luck at all reproducing the Vertibirds from the signal grenades. Has anyone had a look at Vertibirds for modding yet?


I duplicated the MQ101 Vertibird, which had only one AI Package, MQ101VertibirdHoverPkg. Although a few of the scripts SOUND like they would do what I want them to do, such as the BOSVertibirdSmokeGrenadeScript, I can't get it to work.


Currently, I can board the Vertibird, but do nothing else - no pip-boy so no map, its in third person, no minigun (it appears i'm holding my rifle, and yet i cant fire either the minigun or the rifle).


If anyone has any tips, info, or even better, a full tutorial on the matter, please tell me :S


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Add to the vertibird Those AI packages: REVertibirdLandPackageIgnoreCombat and VertibirdLandedPackage. The vertibird will stay landed even if he's attacked.


But if you want to make him do things you will have to mess with quest scripting



EDIT: the vertibird in wich you're mounted do nothing because you have to generate a new one to reset the AI


EDIT2: You have to add to the vertibird the script vertibirdturretscript and fill it with the right properties, and also add him the script hoveringvertibirdscript to have the effects of the landing

Edited by KataPUMB
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Add to the vertibird Those AI packages: REVertibirdLandPackageIgnoreCombat and VertibirdLandedPackage. The vertibird will stay landed even if he's attacked.


But if you want to make him do things you will have to mess with quest scripting



EDIT: the vertibird in wich you're mounted do nothing because you have to generate a new one to reset the AI


EDIT2: You have to add to the vertibird the script vertibirdturretscript and fill it with the right properties, and also add him the script hoveringvertibirdscript to have the effects of the landing

Alright thanks :D I'll try it out and see how I go...

As for doing things, I was under the impression that a script should already exist (since the brotherhood vertibird u call has to be scripted right...?) I'll settle for a vertibird I can actually use for now though, even if it doesn't fly :P

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Thanks KataPUMB for your help :D I now have a Vertibird that I can get on, use the minigun.


Just a few things I'm trying to figure out atm (basically by looking through my options and trying everything :P), any help from anyone would be greatly appreciated.


1. I can't fast travel (well, fly) in the Vertibird because fast travel is disabled in survival and I'm trying to find the script that allows you to fly with a selection on the Pip-Boy.

2. Getting onto the Vertibird for the minigun does not force First-Person, and I have to manually press "v" (my camera button) to get into the correct view.

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no need for nothing more than just the proper keyword "isVertibirdFastTravel" and he'll trigger the package that let's you fly to wherever you like


Well everything you say is just the lack of keywords go to lvlVertibirdFasttravel and copy their keywords into your Vbird actor, but add the isvertibirdfasttravel also



EDIT: if you like go to my mod page downlad it and open the mod with the CK so you can see how i did it but also you will see furture problems that you will have solved, verti-brain id is: kata_vertibirdPrivateToBuild

Edited by KataPUMB
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