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After Bethesda initial bootup routine screen goes black


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This problem just started tonight. When I boot up FNV it goes through the initial startup routine and, after clicking on "Continue" the screen goes black and I get the following error report:


FalloutNV has encountered a problem...etc.


When I drill down to the technical details it shows the following file as the culprit:




The last time I played the game was last night and there were no problems. Could a Steam update have caused this? Haven't made any mods since the last time it work. My computer is running XP Pro with an ASUS motherboard [A8N-Slip Premium] and two NVIDIA GF 7600 GT graphics cards running in SLIP configuration. Have plenty of memory and haven't made any other changes in my system.


Any suggestions?

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What does the application compatibility text say? (And in case it's a corrupted file have you verified your cache lately?)


[Actually, I'm beginning to have my doubts about "Continue" and always "Load" to start from my last save.]

Edited by maboru
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Don't use "Continue", use rather Load, I don't know why but I have a strange feeling that Continue isn't any good.


If you are using any mods, disable them and try to start it again.

Also try to defrag your New Vegas folder.


Are you sure you didn't do anything else yesterday, this sort of thing only happens because of bad mods or corrupted save games.

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Just use earlier save, this one is most probably corrupted. Do not use 'Continue', always 'Load' the last one. Disable ALL autosave options and do not rely on these files (they are the first ones to become corrupt). Do not save during combat and when bleeding/drugged (sometimes those effect 'stuck'). When entering area - wait at least 10 seconds before saving (saving when the game is still loading data is a very good way to make a corrupt save).
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