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You've been through hell, but you still look pretty.


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I have been looking like crazy for some textures containing scars and battle wounds, but have been unsuccessful. For some reason, all the skins out there makes people look PRETTIER, despite the fact everybody's been shot more than ten times and has been exposed to radiation for their entire lives. Had your face chewed on by a deathclaw? Failed to defuse a mine? Got a face-full of buckshot? No problem - you still look like a million bucks. Perhaps these textures already exist, but I certainly can't find them here on the nexus. I would love to make them myself, but I'm crap with editing. I think Fallout could do with a few more rugged bastards, rather than elven super models. I am an accomplished graphical artist and would love to upload ideas and illustrations, if somebody were to take this idea to heart (somebody who knows more about texture building than just "it's a thing that can be done"). It doesn't necessarily has to be an active mod (as in: you get scars as you get screwed up during gameplay). I was thinking more in the lines of character creation. Of course, they could be added whenever something is crippled (btw, how the hell do you cripple you head? Is that a medical term?), and scars and so on could be removed by the plastic surgery station.


Let me know what you think. Any ideas, links, directions and comment would be very welcome.


I'm sorry if I'm re-posting a request.

Edited by saberanger
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I should be clear: I am looking for mods for the original Fallout 3 - not New Vegas.


Well, now - thank you both. I'm afraid what I was looking for, was something a bit more specific. Specific scars and wounds that could be added mid-game (through console commands or something like that - like some of the hair/eye mods). I was thinking something like separate scar-textures, that was simply added on top of whatever skin textures you were using. There would have course occur a bit of clipping/stretching, but I could live with that. As long as you're not using dramatically changed player models, this seems like it would be possible.

I think it would be a nice touch to any semi-psychotic loner character - especially H2H beserker types (who are my favorites. Nothing quite like power fisting one of those idiots of the radar dishes in VATS).




Anyway, thank for your input.

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You'd have to have a custom race for your character (otherwise lots of other people will be sporting the same wound) and just drop in the scarred headhuman.dds texture you want to use when you want to change your look. New Vegas and FO3 textures are interchangeable so any scarred up texture you can find for New Vegas will work for FO3 as well.
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What about as head parts?


- That's exactly what I was thinking. They could take up one of the completely useless slots, like earring/nosering. Not entirely sure how to create that, but somebody out there must know! I mean, come on, they opened up half of DC fercrissake! You could buy it (we all have friends like that) at a vendor! Like a crazy person would!

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You wouldn't have to create a new race.

I tried somehting similar for a real cyborg perk I was working on but never finished.


1)Create the mesh, add uv's texture* it offset it exceptionally slightly and skin wrap** it to the area around it.

2) export it into your data folder with your texture(s) stored as .dds files and make sure everything looks hunkydory (Yes I said that... problem?)

3)Open up the geck and create a new armor. selecting your mesh. setting the slot to body addon 3 or something.

4)create a new quest call it 00addstuffquest. and a script like this;


scn 00addstuffscript

Begin gamemode

player.additem <ID of Scar Armor> 1

stopquest 00addstuffquest



save it as a quest script and save the quest (selecting this script)


Open it up in game. equip the scar and see how it looks.


*As for textures you can create more than 1 different scar and change them via the geck while still using the same mesh this is helpful if you want to save time. It would be better if it were scripted however.



** Skin wrap is a 3ds max function i'm not sure what the blender equivilent is or if it even exists.

Edited by arcane20
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