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To be Hunted


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One of my favorite radiant events, especially at a lower level, is the Hired Thugs event. The way they chase you across all of Skyrim, making no place truly safe and making you stay on the run. The feeling of being pursued or hunted down across the entire land gives a certain feeling of depth to my criminal characters.


The problem is, if you're already around level 20 by the time you meet them, maybe with a follower, you will be able to take them down with relative ease, and then they never come back. Nobody ever hires more thugs after you, and you get to happily move on with your life.


I'm asking for a mod that, not only makes more thugs get hired after you defeat a group, much like the "more thugs for petty thieves" mod, but I also want something that makes them a consistent threat throughout the majority of your playthrough, to the point where you reach level 50 and can still fear someone hiring ever more powerful thugs to demolish you.


There of course should be a point where, being the Dragonborn, you are unmatched by even the most costly of mercenaries, but I want to live in terror. Feel like I cannot stay in one place for too long, like I need to keep on the move through most of my playthrough or they'll get me.


It's not just about having more guys to kill; a mod already does that part. it's about being truly afraid of their power, until you get stronger, someone hires more mercs to kill you, and the cycle repeats until you're nearly a God on Nirn.

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Thanks for linking your mod here. :) I finally realized it didn't have to be so hard to pull off something like this. xD I left an endorsement too.

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Hello Mystery Patron,


If that feeling you want (the feeling of never really feeling safe) isn't limited to wanting it to be bandits, this mod may be what you're looking for:


Ultimate Deadly Encounters


Good luck.




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It may not be exactly what you want, but the mod The Sinister Seven adds boss-type assassins that hunt you every few levels after level 10. Pre-10 and even after level 10, you can also use the MCM to configure the chance of normal assassins hunting you down. I currently have it set so six assassins are dispatched after me each level, and bosses come at 10, 14, 18, 21, etc

Its important to note that they aren't just Light Armor + Dagger assassins, their classes range from barbarians with axes to invisible dagger-wielders to heavily armored archers.

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