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Where will the next Fallout be?


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I'd like to see it take place in Arizona. I feel there is much more to be learned about the Legion, and I find them to be an extremely interesting faction. Also, I'd like to see vast, flat, sweeping wasteland deserts, very loosely populated. I feel like New Vegas didn't really hit that point. The Mojave Wasteland was too densely populated to actually FEEL like a wasteland. I really want a Road Warrior-esque landscape that feels like everyone truly is fighting for survival. So I'd say somewhere with an immense desert. Thus, my argument for Arizona.
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Vancouver sounds awesome, with good views and the like.


I'm not particularily touchy where the next fallout takes place, but preferably somewhere we haven't experiences in recent fallout or elder scrolls games.

In Fallout i prefer the country to an urban environment, but a combination like in Fo3 makes for a lot of variety. I'm sick of the underground crawling in fallout 3, but I don't want another desert or tundra.

I loved the hellish atmosphere of The Divide, it actually feels like what a post-apocalyptic America would be, but once again, the urban landscape can be a bit repetitice sometimes.

Only problem with Vancouver is that it would be quite difficult to balance a beautiful cityscape with good views and a hellish atmosphere.


Mind you, I still think Vancouver or a similar coastline area would be a sweet deal. A combination meticulously picking through the buildings of urban vancouver and walking a thin path through the rockies would be a breathtaking experience, especially if Vancouver could be seen on the horizon, either as your destination or how far you have walked from it. Plus, the U.S annexed us canucks anyway, so there would be plenty of vaults there.


If not Vancouver, perhaps somewhere with Legion about would be a good choice. After all, who doesn't like either a) working for the legion or b) kicking their sexist asses? A storyline could include several revolting tribes or towns. I've had a lot of the legion though, IMO a more personal, desolate feeling is the way to go for Fallout. New Vegas didn't feel like it took place after a massive nuclear war until Dead Money and Lonesome Road came along. (OWB came a little closer than honest hearts.)


Alaska sounds nice, but only if the climate was significantly changed. Highly irradiated, so erratic plant growth and mutations. maybe a permanent winter on the coastline, so we could walk across the ice bridge, but a massive break in the middle, to prevent us from going to russia and killing commies in the name of Liberty Prime.


Just a few ideas. Two things I believe nearly everybody wants though are the solitary, desolate experience and people recognizing you for your actions, whether good or bad. (As opposed to the "Oh, you killed *insert villain name here." Thank you and goodbye thing in Skyrim.)

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I see the entire Fallout 4 concept as being a few different scenarios. I also see a few problems with certain places being used.


California: Been there, done that. The references to the previous games would end up killing the game. Sometimes less is more. L.A. in particular would suddenly become the Kurt Russel movie "Escape from L.A.".


The Midwest: The midwest is a whole lotta nuthin right now in real life. Add some bombs and radiation and you will have even less...populated by radioactive Bison.


Hawaii: No doubt China would nail them hard in the invasion. They could even go so far as to pull a Xenu and drop the bombs into the volcanoes, resulting in eruptions that would completely obliterate the entire area. Not to mention that the islands are actually quite small. It would be difficult for different factions to have any real space due to the constraints.


Florida: This is a possibility. I would guess that a pseudo DisneyWorld area could hold a massive faction, or factions that could result in some interesting scenarios. I could just imagine having to fight a ring of supermutants while on a rail-based ride. The Disney Corporation might put up somewhat of a stink about the whole thing. Other than that, it would be a beach based game. There would be a fair amount of potential, as it would be more NV like as there aren't many strategic targets in Florida.


Chicago: People compare Chicago to the Pitt. I think this is a bit off base. Chicago is less factory based than some might think. What it IS based on is about the railroads. There is an area on the Indiana side of Chicago called Hammond. It was a city that developed around the Chicago railroad yards. Go to Google Earth and take a look. They are massive. This could tie into the NCR and their railroad projects, and there would be plenty of content fodder. This would also allow areas like Detroit to become optional add-on content later on.


New Canaan: I used to live in Mormon territory. Heck, I used to be Mormon. If you anger them IRL too much, they could easily quash it and sue Bethsesda/Oblivion for quite a lot of money. As NC is already established as lore, they will have to be insanely careful about anything they do or say. Other than that, it would be rather NV like, but without the Blackjack, Alcohol and Hookers. What fun is that? What would you have left? Sun Valley? That was pretty much done with the Zion National Park expansion.


Outside of the U.S. : I seem to recall from Fallout 3 that the US annexed a good portion of Canada. They would see minimal bombing and you would have to fight radioactive mutant Mooses(Meeses?). Not to mention that everyone would speak Canadian, eh? This might also anger the fans that think that Fallout needs to stay in the modern U.S.


Texas: People seem to be neglecting this. There is a fair amount of fodder for Texas. From the metro area of Dallas/Fort Worth to the rather backwoods areas that are prevalent throughout the state. I could imagine the New Texas Republic or whatever they are called having the Texas Rangers riding around on robotic horses and having a bunch of Chuck Norris references. There are some areas that could see influence the New Canaan/Mormon influence (google Gilmer Texas) as well as your religious extremist, racial purist, points for the Enclave to set up shop, the Brotherhood of Steel could easily be inserted, and NV and California could both easily leak influence into the state. Guns would be everywhere, as Texans like their guns.


Virginia: Enclave HQ. Don't neglect this possibility. A proper storyline of a rebellion or a previously unknown vault opening for a vault dweller to emerge could provide some interesting events. This would also give rise to the potential of the wants of a more rebuilt society with technology that continued to advance after the war. DC points of interest, the Brotherhood of Steel and other influences could easily be inferred. Perhaps a point in time about 6 months to a year after the "president" was killed in the DC area? Also, that type of tech could allow people to travel anywhere in the world. European addons would be fine with many people, where you can Monty Python and Austin Powers it to your heart's content.


Wasn't there a reference to the Commonwealth of something in Fallout 3 that was about a rather run-down society with a highly technologically advanced core somewhere in the New England area? I can't seem to recall right now, but I will probably think of it after I post this.


The English influence isn't a bad idea. But that would still leave the U.S. fans feeling betrayed. Not to mention that the Austin Powers references would get pretty old pretty quick.


Also, what time frame are we going to be looking at? Will this be around the time frame of the events in NV or DC? Before? After? How much time in either direction? I agree a prequel would be a bad idea. But where would we go? We have the Midwest, the Deep South, Texas, and the Dakotas left. Other than that, we are looking at crossover areas.

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i like ur points. i just hope they make it far more stable then FNV, and far more huge. i felt like a dryed up raise there with no past., risen y i liked fallout 3. u had a post and a bright main.quest.

and the area felt larger. NV feel painfully small to small. in there new game i hope they add a lot more to it. like huge areas like skyrim, underground areas huge. more then 1 are/ region state u can go to.. and builds can fall ontop of u. along with builds can be destroyed for what ever the risen (everything could be destroyed..)


but on ur note. i just want the first time i played fallout 3... it was like WOOwoooW when i left the vault and seen everything.. and i love to b in a mountin area like skyrim but vaules and areas u can play around with... and with the mormens.. i dont think they where around that time of fallout where they? or even in this world?.. i have not seen much religion in fallout games so far...


but things u DID DID matter and ppl new who u where at times or even tryed to kill u because of what ever risen.. like u tryed to hook up with someones daughter one night and they found off.. (ya ya to much country movies for me.. xD lol. but everything u did matted.. even if not now it will later.. (like u brake down a door to get inside the place but later on while ur on there something could follow u unstopped.. like a mad dog or person.. xD

Edited by thunderlord2200
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Fallout will never take place outside of the USA. That would just go too much against the feel of the game, which is very USA 50's culture centric. Also it would mean that all the established groups didn't make an appearance, and that just wouldn't be a good move with the fanbase. We all want to see the Brotherhood of Steel, the NCR, the Enclave and others go at it and we wanna know where they end up over time.


If time has passed, it will probably be more developed and urban (not necessarily more civilized). A big city would be very cool. Lots of Film Noir potential there.


I don't know why houses shouldn't be built out of stone, wood or concrete anymore just because bombs fell. We're talking about hundreds of years and they still kill each other over rusted sheets of corrugated iron to decorate their fences with. These resources, except for wood, are not anymore rare now than they are in real life.

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I really hope they keep it all within the lifespan of the leads from FNV and FO3, simply because there is so much going on all over the country and you could easily make several games that tie into each allowing many options to change the overall outcome as time goes on.
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I'd like to see it take place in Arizona. I feel there is much more to be learned about the Legion, and I find them to be an extremely interesting faction. Also, I'd like to see vast, flat, sweeping wasteland deserts, very loosely populated. I feel like New Vegas didn't really hit that point. The Mojave Wasteland was too densely populated to actually FEEL like a wasteland. I really want a Road Warrior-esque landscape that feels like everyone truly is fighting for survival. So I'd say somewhere with an immense desert. Thus, my argument for Arizona.

new vegas was emtpy and barren, it was pretty boring for me to be honest, the gameworld was mostly tents and a few shacks, apart from the small towns. the city area which was pretty bland really, what makes a wasteland good isn't a desert, a city can be a wasteland, but obviously the downtown area didn't have that feel because obsidian didn't give the game a post apocalyptic feel, but more a feeling of "rebuilding", which to me is a joke, i could do without the cowboy/gangster theme also, that was stupid, but new vegas was mostly desert without much to explore...and since bethesda will be making FO4 and they are much better at making a gameworld and filling it up with plenty to do and still have the post apocalyptic feel. FO4 will mostly likely be centered around a large city, and i'm sure its gonna have a post apocalyptic feel much like FO3.

Edited by arcanewizard
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Incredible ideas all! I hope Bethesda is reading these!


My impressions on what people have suggested.


Chicago: Mentioned in Fallout NV, in a territory as-of-yet untouched, and a good urban environment make this a definite possibility. The mention of the railroads make me think there are a lot of ways to introduce technology-hungry or rail-based factions or towns. Also the rails make it possible for there to be a larger area, using old rails as faster transport.


New York: Many people seem to think this is an iffy prospect, since the subway/urban crawling was a pain to many. If this was more open with less tunnel travel I think this would be a good idea, and the idea of battles in Times Square and in the Empire State building make it an attractive idea.


Boston/The Commonwealth: Lots of tech, large port city, lots of historic American culture around... A LOT of good material for a good game. Nice countryside around the city I hear too, so some good opportunities there. Also would allow some good East Coast DLCs.


Virginia: This was mentioned as a place to be, and while I don't know about the state in general, I agree the general vicinity is open enough to have some good exploring.


Detroit: I like this idea! A large city with a large manufacturing base, which makes it a valuable target, and, from the pictures I've seen, it's built more wide than tall, which would make urban exploring far less of a hassle than picking through ruinous skyscrapers.


New Orleans: I see this isn't quite as popular due to the less-than-stellar Point Lookout, but I still think this would make a good DLC if nothing else.


Texas: Thank you Ragingbear, I cannot believe we missed this. Lots of guns, dried up oil wells, tough people and a lot of space make it a good idea, but it still has a pretty arid environment, not too much of a change from NV there.


Canada: Don't think it's happening, but since it was annexed, who knows?


Florida: I believe it unlikely, specially trying to make a Fallout-revamped Disney World style theme park.


All this said, I'd love to see some more urban exploration, but less of a hassle. Like having the streets less cluttered, or having more neighborhoods that are intact, etc. More in-depth exploration and more interesting places to see is better than lots of exploration but a flat landscape.

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Detroit would be PERFECT! Seeing as it's already a wasteland all they would have to do it take photos and use them to create textures and to create the game world.


I remember back in my late teens I was real into nuclear war and its impact on Detroit and the surrounding areas (as I lived there at the time) and in one book I read there was a map with predicted targets and the resulting damage from various types of warheads.


It would be pretty cool to go from New Vegas (Live in Vegas now) to Fallout 4 in Detroit where I used to live.


Seriously though, I could not care less where it takes place but I REALLY, REALLY want the folks responsible for NV to do the writing and story with Bethesda designing the game world. While I enjoy NV much more than FO3 in every regard the fact remains that FO3 was far less buggy at launch.

Edited by LeroyJGibbs
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I was recently thinking about the area I have spent a lot of time at. The area between Topeka and Kansas City has a city named Lawrence in it. That is where the classic film "The Day After" was filmed. It was about Topeka and KC getting nuked and the fallout afterwards. Could be an interesting region to play in.
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