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Elevators... HOW THE %$^# DO THEY WORK!?


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I basically copied over the parts from the mayoral bunker elevator to my own internal worldspace, and everything works... but the elevator won't move and as far as I can tell the platform helper is 2 levels too short for my elevator shaft.


What I need is for someone to explain how to make an elevator work so it actually moves to where I want it to go. The buttons work, the lights work, even the SOUNDS work, but the elevator just sits there at the bottom of the elevator shaft.


The only thing not currently working is the movement, and even if that did work I don't know if it would move far enough.

Here's a pic of the elevator, I tried to get it at an angle that would show the platform helper and how short it is.



Needless to say, this has been frustrating me to no end, especially with the lack of a single tutorial on the subject given how we got tutorials for so many other things already.


What frustrates me even more is that I managed to get a custom armor have working custom mods, and yet I can't get THIS working even after looking through the vanilla elevators to the best of my ability..

Edited by SalesKital
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Just my hipotesis... I think they actually don't move, they seem to be loading screens,

1. they warp you from bottom to top in one blink.


2. they dont move, the just load the next zone in the same spot.

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while i cannot help you a lot, i noticed with tcl that the elevators of the game does not actually moves (except maybe the institute one) . i tested the vault 81 elevator to see how it moves and actually...well it doesnt. either this is caused by me using Tcl to observe or a bug in my game i dont know but i think i could help you to watch in game how they work ^^

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They move, the one by goodneighbore has 2 the one on the right has a piece of floor stick through it midway through elevation that knocks you out and down if you stand in the back corner. So they move.

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huh...curious. maybe some move some do not? as i said i have experimented mainly with vault 81 elevator

likely it works the same as vertibirds


oh i never wondered how does the vertibirds work, can you tell me or at least link me to somewhere i could check? ^^

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Keep it simple to learn the workings


SimpleElevatorMaster, its a Activator object

PlatformHelperFree01, Activator object also

A platform lift, static object

button control, activator object also


Set everything up ...just the above 4 items will work.


1) Copy a PlatformHelper object to your cell, you can make it smaller or larger to fit your elevator height

2) Copy and Center a platform lift object onto the platformhelper, can be placed at top or bottom of the platformhelper.

3) Copy a control button object and attach it to the lift

<Optional> Setup another control button on ground outside the lift

4) Copy a SimpleElevetaorMaster object and place in near the elevator



Linked Reference to Button, use keyword LinkCustom02

Linked Reference to platformhelper, use keyword LinkCustom01

Linked Reference to Lift, use keyword LinkCustom05


Anything that moves up and down will need to be referenced to the Platform helper

The Lift, Attached Reference to the platformhelper

The control button that moves with the lift will also need a Attached Reference to the Platformhelper


The optional control button, chain your first button (the one that has the reference in SimpleElevatorMaster) to your

2nd button as a Linked Reference with a keyword of LinkCustom02 also.

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