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Personal Opinion: What is better Battlefield 3 or COD Modern Warfare 3


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My observations:


EA are dicks.

BF3 looks superior.

It is harder to find a more obnoxious vocal fanbase that the one surrounding COD.


Actually, I haven't seen the CoD fanbase defend the game much, if at all. The few people who I've seen state they're going to buy it were mature about the competition between MW3 and BF3. The only people who are vocal and obnoxious about the entire thing is the BF3 fanbase, who don't miss a chance to start yelling'BF3 is going to be better nya nya nya nya NYA' every time someone mentions MW3 or posts an article about it. The amount of douchebaggery going on in the BF3 fanbase is actually rather shocking at times.

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Have you played CoD? IMO The BF community generally seemed more mature to me. I'll admit I don't/won't play CoD any more, I think community was one of the things that put me off it. I think it has actually put a lot of people off online gaming altogether.


Your mileage may vary.

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In-game, the community is slightly worse than BF, but I've had my fair share of bad experiences with Bad Company 2 these last two months. I much prefer the BF game community, but even they're not exempt to being total dicks, especially if you're still learning the game. Out of game, though, the BF fanbase is a lot worse than CoD. Just take a look at any gaming news site or forum. All they do is they tell you how they're splooging their pants for BF3, or how much better BF3 is than CoD and that anyone who wants to buy MW3 are the biggest bunch of idiots alive. It doesn't help that EA is encouraging this behaviour by being just as bad. I actually can't wait until next year more or less February, because by then all the rabid fanboys should be tired of keeping up with the entire issue, so all the forums and news sites can go back to normal.
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