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Personal Opinion: What is better Battlefield 3 or COD Modern Warfare 3


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I have an almost PERFECT team, comprised of me and 3 guys i know. We always join the same squad, we communicate with voice via Teamspeak.

We play 2 medics, 2 assaults. The medics assure that it is dificult to stay dead, and the assaults keep everyone topped up. Works a charm.

On some maps, I snipe as well, with a medic covering me. NOTE: Sniping =/= Camping. I dont stay in the same spot for more than 10-15 seconds unless pinned or i can see multiple kills.


Its the fact that you can do teamwork like that, that makes Battlefield my game of choice. Its just so damn GOOD.

CoD's definition of teamwork: Something to NOT shoot at.


i also have a great team i always play with. me and two other guys. (however we play on PS3) we all have headsets to chat. we are almost always snipers and just run around and quick scope ppl lol, or long range snipe (but like you, we move A LOT. which makes us better snipers then those wannabe snipers who TRY to camp lol), but we can all play any class and will do so if the match calls for it. and between the 3 of us, we can almost always get a fourth guy to join us that one of us knows and be all set.

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Battlefield, hands down.


It's got an awesome community, the game doesn't just reward you for killing (You can be an ace player by simply helping your teammates out), awesome sounds big maps and especially vehicles.


Of all the FPS games i played online, Battlefield (Bad Company 2 that is) is for me a much nicer experience. Almost all of the people i play with are nice folks. They don't brag, whine or act like a total ass. There's still a couple of bad folks out there but they just get overshadowed by the other nicer players that their presence in a match barely ruined my gameplay at all.


Lets just hope all these carries over to Battlefield 3 huh.

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Just remember that with Battlefield's teamwork aspect, comes the aspect of losing because your team sucks. I just left a Rush match because out of the 16 players on my team (the attacking team, no less), 10 were snipers. Still prefer BF multiplayer over CoD though.
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To the topic title: Neither is better. COD MW3 is just a rehash of the same tired game, and BF3 is a failed attempt to "trump" it to the point where it's the same game attempting to be better. For an example in another genre, look at World of Warcraft (the COD) and the Conan MMO (the BF3).


You're better off saving your money for a better game, preferably one that doesn't release as many sequels as Madden football.

Edited by rinoaff33
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I like both! Battlefield and squad based gameplay, and MW with the story and being generally easier to play. I plan on getting both, tho I will say MW will not be played much since it gets released 3 days before Skyrim!
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I like both! Battlefield and squad based gameplay, and MW with the story and being generally easier to play. I plan on getting both, tho I will say MW will not be played much since it gets released 3 days before Skyrim!


I'm pretty sure the majority of people who play MW don't play the Elder Scrolls games...I don't think they're too worried about sales. In fact, I'm more worried about Skyrim's sales.

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I like both! Battlefield and squad based gameplay, and MW with the story and being generally easier to play. I plan on getting both, tho I will say MW will not be played much since it gets released 3 days before Skyrim!


I'm pretty sure the majority of people who play MW don't play the Elder Scrolls games...I don't think they're too worried about sales. In fact, I'm more worried about Skyrim's sales.



Actually I meant I would not be playing it for that long because of the Skyrim release. MW come out on 11.8.11 while Skyrim 11.11.11 so that means I will play MW for two and a half days if that!

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Well from what I have seen so far of MW3 its being rushed out the gate so fast that its due to have glaring issues at launch. Why I say rushed out the game development time is about 8 to 9 months long where as most games ussually have development cycles of 14 to 24 months on average where as some of the best ones had pushed on toward 26 to 30 month dev cycles. MW3 will also pretty much seems to look like an expansion pack to MW2 with some updates, though I did hear they where going to experiment with Destruction for MP which if they try to copy BC2 will mean a flat boring map mid way though the game due to people blowing the walls off everything.


As for BF3 DICE is really trying to push up the bar by adding new ways to inmerse the players with new ways of getting feed back. In BF2 to BC2 you could try and surpress people with your weapon but with people just not caring if they died or even didn't even know they where being shot at they would pop up from cover right into the line of fire. BF3 however will change that with the new surpression system which will not only give you a clue that someone is trying to kill you but it will have a negitive effect on your screen similar to the shell shock of BF2. Something else their trying to do as snipers can be a pain in the arse on some maps is their adding in scope glint, if a sniper is looking strait on at you you can catch a flash of glint from his scope which can give you a moment to attempt to dive behind cover. But as with every DICE game their trying to balance realism, balcance game play, and fun at the same time.


As for me personally I will likely getting BF3 because it is just more epic when your playing in a 64 player match with vehicles then 8 or 16 other people on foot.

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they're adding in scope glint, if a sniper is looking strait on at you you can catch a flash of glint from his scope which can give you a moment to attempt to dive behind cover.



I wanted this ever since i noticed that it wasnt in BC2. Also, the suppression thing seems pretty awesome as well.

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