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Mounted Minigun


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Hello Modders, or whoever is reading this.

I have a suggestion for a mod in fallout 4.

It's a mounted minigun, no, not the one on the vertibird, but just on the ground.

The thing is, it already exists in the game, but it's very glitchy (when spawned through console it's at a wrong angle and partially in the ground, and if used, the camera gets all messed up).

I think it would be a very fun item to use when building a base, especially if your base is being raided.

I don't think it would be hard to create since most of the stuff is already there, but I'm no Modder so don't take my word for it.


So what I'm suggesting is:

-that the mounted minigun gets added to the workbench.

-that it has a proper camera mode, and animation

-add the option to use it in first person

-that it has infinite ammo(just like the vertibird)

-Maybe that settlers can use it, but that's optional since you have turrets for that stuff.


Some information about the vanilla mounted minigun:

-just search for minigun in the console and you'll find it under the furniture(FURN) tab.

-to use it you'll need to use some modangle commands to get it right.

-it already has a tripod and everything, so no need to make your own models(unless you want to).


If you are a Modder and like the idea, by all means do your thing and make this beauty a reality.

if you are just reading this and you like it, share it with someone so maybe a Modder will find this or something.

And if there already is a mod for this, then please give me a link to the mod and call me a retard.


Thanks in advance,


A guy on the internet

Edited by massigest
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oh that IS good, that'd add a whole new dimension of gameplay, and maybe other guns could be added in similar fashion, people who made things like heavy weapons, light machineguns could add those, strongpoints then become much more deadly in a fashion, without relying on just automated turrets
could make minugun fortifications (the things people actually have to stand in to offer defense to a place)

Edited by tartarsauce2
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  • 3 months later...

And please make the thing to where it does more than scratch the itch on the enemies back. I find that miniguns in this game are just ... lacking.


I remember back in Fallout 1 and 2 a minigun was pretty much game over.

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  • 3 weeks later...

And please make the thing to where it does more than scratch the itch on the enemies back. I find that miniguns in this game are just ... lacking.


I remember back in Fallout 1 and 2 a minigun was pretty much game over.

It's because of the damage system in Fallout 4 - there's no DT in the vanilla game and as far as I know, there's no ammo effects like there was in NV - in that game 5mm rounds were buffed with a -25 DT bonus, meaning that even though each bullet did piss poor damage, the armour penetration would mean that miniguns were a very serious threat to anyone who was at the wrong end of the gun, even those in a full set of T-51b.

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