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Clothing recolors


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First off, I know this is a long shot. I totally accept that. If I could do this myself I would have but I can't even begin to get my head around re-texturing. Just reading through the tutorials confuses me.


The backstory; I'm working on a mega-mod that adds hundreds and hundreds of new NPCs to Oblivion. Most of the single people living alone in giant houses get spouses and children, just as an example. The wealthy ones get servants. There are traveling merchants. All these new NPCs use the leveled lists for their clothing, and with the current options available, a lot of them end up in matching outfits.


I've already got this: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/28643/? which is great for lower class shirts, and this http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/17558/? which gives a handful of middle class options, but I'm looking for more. More pants, skirts, shirts, you name it.


I really don't like the body replacers and all the sexy outfits that come with them. I actually really like the vanilla oblivion body shape. It works for me. But, y'know. Leads to a lack of variety because it seems like everyone uses the replacements.


I'm going to continue futzing around with Gimp, but I'm getting to the point where I'm willing to pay someone if they're willing to do me a dozen or so sets of lore-friendly male and female clothing for the lower and middle class characters.

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Extract the texture you want to edit with BSA browser.


Use a tool to convert the dds files like this freeware http://www.easy2convert.com/dds2bmp/


Use an image editor for the colors (I personnaly never tried to change a texture's color so I don't know which one you should take.


Convert back your bmp to dds with this freeware http://www.easy2convert.com/bmp2dds/


Don't forget to check the result in-game.

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