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Unexplained Performance Flaw


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Are you using any enhanced texture packs? (They wouldn't necessarily have a specific .esp attached as many are just downloaded into the texture file.) And are you sure you're running all the pre-load options in Configator, that shouldn't be a problem if fnv4gb NVSE is working properly but you could try toning that down.


No, I am not using texture packs, do tell me about the options on Configator I should check. Once I again I appreciate your help so much!

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Found what I believe a LARGE issue was - I had grass density at 20, which is the highest amount of grass you could have. >.> I had messed around with configator too much I suppose. If I have any other conflicts I will post them here, I appreciate all your help, you have been given Kudos as it was deserved in its entirety for all the help and troubleshooting you gave me.
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Thanks. If you want more green then try something like Vurt's mods. Your video card is actually more powerful than your system so you may want to avoid pushing things too far! Configator allows for the maximum your system can produce but a newer video card with an older system can confuse it. I can't really give you specifics because there's too many variables involved but just keep experimenting with it and roll it back when you encounter problems. Edited by maboru
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This game-engine seems to be far more interested in your CPU than your GPU. This appears to be (more or less) a function of it being a semi-older game engine and not being able to take advantage of DX10/11 and/or everything a new GPU (like the 550) can offer.


It's not that the computer will get 'confused' if you have a 'better' GPU than CPU, it's just that the game itself relies more on CPU processes than on GPU processes.


What you might want to look into would be 'giving the card more to do'. There's a program called NVIDIA INSPECTOR that seems to allow you to tap into the video card's 'higher functions' (there are others as well, but I like this one)... thereby (in effect) 'forcing' the GPU to take on some tasks that the game-engine can't 'force' it to do. You can't force it to take over NPC AI, but you can have it do better business on things like AA, TRANSPARENCY MULTISAMPLING and TRIPLE BUFFERING...


I've also found, personally, that setting the video card to TRIPLE BUFFERING (if using VSYNC) can help. It actually slows your framerate somewhat, BUT, it appears to 'cause' a far more stable range of FPS. So, instead of wildly vacillating between 0 - 60, it stays stable at 40 (let's say).


That said, if you can upgrade anything, I'd say CPU.


Or, maybe mess with overclocking your existing CPU a bit.


Good luck.


- David

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Seeing as my video card is too advanced- what would you recommend upgrading?


save up $300 and drop it on intel i5 2500k with a new motherboard.


problem is, you might have to upgrade your PSU as well...hell...maybe even ram too.


Thats the funny thing about upgrading PC components. Once you upgrade onne part high enough, you're gonna have to spend more to upgrade the others so they can all work together.

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I didn't mean to say your CPU is underpowered for FONV, it's 4 core , 4 thread. When the Gambryo engine came out one and two cores were the norm and GPUs (typically with less than a gig of high-speed video ram and relatively few processor cores) would bottleneck. That's why so many people playing FO3 needed to scale back the threads by forcing fallout.ini threads to 1 allowing the CPU enough head room to answer the graphics calls. The reason that Gamebryo was so CPU intensive is that it was programmed to use the CPU rather than the old GPUs for many graphics functions. That did change with FONV where the re-directs allowed for more CPU cores and GPUs that could handle the graphic calls without resorting to a CPU assist (which revs the CPU and requires (slower) system Ram.) It all depends on the individual computer configuration and how they hard code. That's why even with some of today's computers problems arise.


Most "labeled" computers (Dell, HP, Sony etc.) are produced primarily for business applications with 'multi-media' video support thus keep their price points down by using primarily on-board video (in the case of laptops) or scaled down video cards which don't require the larger power supplies and cooling capacity but can render business graphics and streaming video just fine. Games on the other hand rarely use video (except for cut-scenes) and render the hell out of everything else in order to appear as life-like as possible thus requiring a lot more horsepower than 'regular' computers can easily provide. Labeled "Gaming Computers" of course correct this to a great degree but still have to meet price points and are still far more expensive due to their 'niche' status. However, with a modicum of technical ability (and countless online builder forum assists!) one can build their own rig to higher specs far more economically.


Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that you're on the right track with the above suggestions provided to you (and I assume that those suggestions were were based on what you can presently afford) but I'd add a new power supply rated at least 500w and a new computer case with plenty of fans built in so you can further upgrade it as finances allow in order to handle the new generation game engines coming out soon.

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My current Power Supply is about 500w + last time I checked. Next time I power down I will check the specs on that. As far as fans go I have two that run from the front- 1 on the back- The one I need fixed is on the side of my comp. The wires broke when I opened it up. So I think after those purchases I should be good to go. And In reply to the two-core comment I have added iNumHWThread= 2 in my fallout.ini This never seemed to help- is there another .ini I should tweak the same way?


EDIT: Maboru needs more kudos :(

Edited by iansaltman
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