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Heads up: New Nexus site design soon


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While I can understand that people get used to how things are or how something looks especially a website you have used like I have for years that when something new comes along it takes you out of your comfort zone. However, comfort zone or not my first impression of the new site is negative. When I first saw it it rememinded me of the look that many other sites have that I do not like. I actually like how the old TESNexus style is different than everyone else.


I know you stated you were going to the new format whether people liked it or not. If that is the case then I hope there are some customization options available such as color scheme and frame sizes.


Don't get me wrong, I love TESNexus as it is the only site I use for Oblivion and Dragon Age addons. I've even thought about getting a lifetime membership. But you wanted feedback on the new site design so I gave it. Maybe I just can't stand the "web 2.0" look... :)

Edited by wolfstryder
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While I agree that there are parts of the new layout that work; the site, and I know I've said this before, looks like it was designed by a first time designer. And since Dark0ne owns the site he can change it up just as he pleases. The best we can hope for is that he takes the comments made herein to heart and works to fix what many of us see as problems with the new design.


Incd. I can't seem to get file comments to load on the new design. Might be intentional with the limits of the current page, but thought I'd mention it anyway.

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Hmmmmmm...I'm sorry to say this but I didn't like the new design at all. That orange color is just way too flashy.


The new design looks much more like a blog than a mod site.

With my monitor, the old site makes very good use of "monitor real estate". The new site simply fills up the central portion of the screen and leaves a lot of wasted space.

It looks like someone set about to unclutter the design and then took it to eleven.

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I have been a member here for a while and frequent all of the Nexus sites. I like the new look, the color scheme seems to match what was here before and the navigation structure is fluid. Everyone involved in the update should pat themselves on the back for a job well done. I read a few of the comments recently added and felt that I needed to show my support for a job well done. I can't wait to see what Skyrim has in store for us!!!! Keep up the good work.


Quote “For those who have had to fight for it freedom has a bitter taste the protected shall never savor”

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i agree on the flashy orange, but the design is not bad.

it's less intrusive in the commercials department and that's good.

and the fact that is centers and does not rescale is good too, the current design rescales somewhat ugly sometimes on some monitors.


that being said it's always nasty for a little while when a site changes and it's not your own decision, oh well, change is good i believe, it means you guys keep trying to improve..

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to be concise, its scarey at first glance because its so different ,but one could get used to it. the only thing that bugs me is the avatars are TINY . kinda removes the sense of individualism :/ Edited by stealthtank91
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Like someone said, looks bloggy. I like the current LARGE interface, for us people with BIG HAWNDS. :)


I'd keep the current layout, maybe give it a silvery makeup for skyrim and a couple practicality fixes. (The way comments are browsed from the middle of the page and the by-the-letter search could really use an update. :b)


Otherwise I think it's fine. Don't overdo it!

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Thake a look at this site:



Notice how logo and careful choice of colors make it look cool. The logo is relevant and colors are paired well and not too bright (it's mixture of grey and ash/green blue).


If you use features that make nexus cool with this type of design, that would be the change this community desires. Why would you like to forcefully apply that ugly thing? Please make a new design and make it available to this community for an estimation.

Edited by goranga
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