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Heads up: New Nexus site design soon


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I dislike the new layout. It is too bright and cartoony.


At least with the layout now, the color scheme is a lot easier on the eyes, more professional looking, and has a logo which shows a TESIV pic.


That new stuff just looks like megaupload, or something.

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Looking over different areas of the new site again, and that white on orange is really bugging me the more I see it. I really don't know about you folks who keep going on about how that orange isn't so bad, but it is really starting to give me eye strain. Looking at the images on one of my files, I can tell that the coding has been updated; it no longer takes five minutes to have the image open when clicked, but I still perfered having them open in new windows or as new tabs.


Also, something that I don't think anyone else has said, but I hope there is going to be a way to minimize all the links and stuff at the bottom of the page, because when I'm reading through the file descriptions it gets really distracting due to the orange text starting so close to the end of the description. Only good fixes I can think of for that are the ability to, as I said, minimize that, or moving it back to the side of the screen to take up some of that wasted, empty space.


I'm not having any issues with the drop downs and ads, (*GRRR* drop downs [angry]) but I would see about switching the "Wiki" and "Competitions" buttons so that all three drop downs are next to each other. Also, adding some code so that the menu goes away if the tab is changed (if possible).


Subtle point, but I'd change to color of the news item ending bar (that bit at the end of each news story), because it looks exactly the same as the top bar of the story below it can be slightly confusing.


And, again, try to include more continuity with the current site. Colors and logo would be a start.


Personally, I'd prefer to see this new design quickly murdered and dumped into the trash bin where I think it belongs, but I'm sure that the next "Great Leap Forward" will not be halted, so I fingure that those of us who aren't exactly thrilled should at least try and put forth ideas for the improvment of the design.

Edited by Smith099
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I don't all the file-related stuff being hidden in hover-over submenus. Smartphone takes forever to load them, and on PC it's inefficient; I can't simply click, I have to move, hover, wait... move, click.


The overall look seems very much like Megaupload or something like that.


White text on that yellow-orange is not enough contrast.


How about tag-filters for what shows in the "Featured" thing on the front page? So I can see something besides female-only mods.

Edited by pintocat
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On the functionality side of things I would recommend:


- Converting the hover menus to use CSS only. This will help fix some of the layering issues that have been exhibited by some users and will make the load times faster on portable devices since CSS effects load much faster then their JavaScript equivalents. If you like, I have a few working examples that are very easy to follow and would be glad to share them with you.



On the aesthetics side of things here are a few more suggestions:


1. Remove the upper pagination bar from the main page. The placement of this bar is confusing and I actually thought it went with the featured content slider which is above this bar. You already have a pagination bar at the bottom of the page which is where most people would expect to find such an item, so this one is not necessary anyway.




2. Relocate the description area for the content slider. If you look at the image below you can easily see that if the description for this item were much longer it would cover up the text for the image that is behind it which would make viewing the text for the background image difficult. If you relocate the area so that it sits in a DIV which is on the bottom of the image you will run less risk of this happening. You could also resize the background image so it does not overlap with the description box and keep the layout the same but the effect does not look very well. If you would like to see a good example of what I suggest then you can take a look at the content slider on gamespot.com




3. Others have already stated this, but the color scheme does need some work. It can be difficult to see white text on a bright background and for people like myself who suffer from chronic migraines, it can also be a health concern which will limit the time I can spend on the site so it's worth considering.


As I said above I could not spend much time looking over the site because of the color scheme but these are the things I noticed that really should reconsidered and thanks for taking the time to read this post.



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I can't get this window to close after downloading a file. The "x" is gone that is normally there to close that window.



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That download popup window the X is a bit tricky because it's just outside the top right corner so it takes some getting used to. Threw me at first too.


That STRIPED background doesn't really help to see it lol, my case against camo backgrounds is proved at last! :D

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ROFLing! I am sorry chief. My "conformist brain" was looking for a red one actually inside the window. I am not used to looking for the closing x outside of windows I want to close. My bad. Edited by XTR3M368
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