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The Chattering Scroll Players


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I don't mind you all posting (really, I find it entertaining and fun :thumbsup: ). What bothers me is all the OOC comments popping up (as was said before, those, for the most part, can go here unless it's important). And, Brutii, the reason why I don't post often is that I wait for the others to respond first. Also, I (for I cannot speak for the others) can't post rapid-fire like some people (dial-up does that, after all), and concerning why others don't post often is because SKYRIM CAME OUT! A slow-down is expected in a thread when others things and/or events come up, so patience has to be practiced in a time like now. Sorry if I seem harsh :sweat: , but that's what I think and feel about it.


P.S.: You can make another thread if you all want to, but I don't know if it's entirely necessary right now. We'll have to see what the others say first.



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Dont'cha worry Kayla, ya know we understand :)


I am trying to get this up guys, but all my stuff is on my old computer. Also I have a 13 year old daughter that yammers in my ear! LOL



Don't worry. You know how those damn 13-year-olds can be. :rolleyes:


Wait a second.... I'm not fourteen yet :armscrossed:

Edited by iansaltman
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