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The tall tales & tragedies of the Chattering Scroll Inn


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"much better than meeting your blade in my face im sure", "hehe the barkeep is certainly scared of my arrival seems his past is finally catching up with him" she glared at the barkeep and watched him tremble before moving in for the kill...........


Kalin had been listening in on his companions' conversations. When he felt Selene's motives, a cold feeling settled in his spine. "BY THE GODS!" he shouted, rushing back to the inn, sending a warning to Rhaine, Reona, and Ellundil. The soulknife burst into the Chattering Scroll and saw the strange woman approaching the barkeep. Without another word, Kalin tackled Selene against the wall before she could attack the man.


When she tried to lash out at him, Kalin dodged the blow, picked her up, and placed a solid knee to the vampire's mid-section. Before she could recover, the elan picked her up and threw her out a nearby window. There was a satisfying sound of glass shattering, and a hiss of pain. "Guard the bartender!" he commanded Reona and Ellundil, and then ran outside to comfront the vampire, sickles drawn. Rhaine, we have a situation here! he sent telepathically.


He rounded the corner and saw Selene, anger burning in her eyes. "Killing others out of petty revenge isn't a good way of solving problems," he stated flatly, taking up a guarded stance, waiting for a reaction. "Don't make me settle this violently," the warrior warned venomously, watching the vampire...

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now now that is no way to treat me. she said as she drew two huge warfans from the fold's of her dress "do you really think this is petty revenge?" she said eyes blazing "no if only you knew what sort of monster he realy is" she ran for kalin flipping over his head and slicing his back, "he killed my god-child in cold blood if that is not reason enough i don't know what is" she turned to reona "please let me have him he is a monster and must die!!" she stared pleadingly at reona "allow me to avenge my god-child, i swore too protect her but i failed! let him die" with that she lunged forward taking reona and ellundil in one blow "im sorry" she whispered. she then pushed the bartender too the floor and kneeled on his chest and began too slowly cut his throat with her fan... Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Michael thrashed against the woman, and an unearthly roar escaped his lips, his nails lengthening into claws and his face becoming a wolf snout. His fangs snapped inches away from her face as she attempted to slit his throat open with her fanblade. He bunched his legs beneath him and vaulted upwards, throwing her from his chest, snarling.....




The priestess noticed the momentary flicker in Kismet's eyes. Rhaine's own gaze narrowed at the Drow. So she wishes to keep her secret? Very well.


"I'm sorry, then, goodlady, I thought-"


Suddenly, the new woman's body was thrown out of a window, glass fragments flying everywhere. She heard Kalin's warning, saw the woman's miraculously unhindered dash back into the inn, and then everything clicked...vampire! And not just any vampire, it seemed, but a daywalker.


Rhaine angrily jerked Thanatos's reins, the black stallion whirling to the side on a pinhead, "Excuse me, dark elf, I have work to do." With that, she spurred her steed into a gallop...


The mighty horse leapt through the threshold with surprising ease, knocking down the weak door and pounding the floor of the tavern with feathered hooves. Rhaine's wings were arced in an intimidating stance, her green eyes blazing white with power. She had drawn her sword, emerald flames pouring down its length, the weapon perfectly poised to reduce the vampire to dust. The barkeep had become half-werewolf, and snarled at the daywalker, his throat bleeding profusely.


Rhaine held up her left hand, and a shockwave of white power erupted from her as she used her Turning ability against the undead creature, the light ten times more powerful than that of the sun. She met the vampire's fierce gaze without fear, her voice echoing with divine magic, "Stay your hand, vampire, or I shall bring your wretched existence to an abrupt end."

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The soulknife was angry now. Very angry. He grunted as the daywalker sliced at his back, dealing a shallow cut. He set his adamantine sickles aflame, ready to burn the vampire. Then he saw the barkeep turn into a werewolf as Selene tried to kill him. Hells! he cursed silently. That explains his reflexes a bit. Kalin flourished his weapons and was going to charge the vampiress when Rhaine burst through the inn doors on Thanatos, divine light wreathing her figure.


Kalin heard the priestess warn Selene, and while the undead creature was distracted, Kalin gave a flick of his wrist and a concentrated bolt of fire shot from his hand and hit one of the warfans. It was obliterated instantly, reduced to slag and ashes in the blink of an eye. The daywalker yelped in surprise and turned to face Kalin. "Drop the other warfan," Kalin ordered in a dark voice, anger barely concealed, "or the next bolt will be through your skull. Wolf! Stand down!" he shouted at the barkeep, who was ready to jump Selene. "We'll handle this. Selene, drop the weapon now!"

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Michael nodded at Kalin, and then turned back into his normal, pale, human form (Michael comes from a near extinct breed of werewolves that are able to control their transformation, but it always come with some kind of side effect for it like getting their mana pool drained or weakness for a couple of minutes or hours) and walked over to the mysterious woman, grabbed her by the throat and lifted her into the air and pinend her to a wall;


"Now, normally I wouldn't harm women due to my respect for them, and I'm also quite the gentleman. But when they try to kill me, thats when i make an exception. Now, who are you? I can tell from your scent that you are a daywalker, but clearly you know me somewhere, and i would like to know from where" He said in his cold, nearly dead, tone

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"you...you you are not he!" "when i found you to be a werewolf, i had assumed you were the one who murdered my godchild!" "but after seeing your face...i am sorry" she said sheathing her fan and turning face rhaine, "stand down priestess, do you think after 2000 years holy magic can hurt me?, i have perfected my abilities and i transformed myself into a daywalker from just a pathetic lesser vampire, i have given myself the ability to see my own reflection... something no other vampire can do!" she then smiled "i also perfected my unholy art's any of your magic will simply make me stronger as it will be tainted as it hits me." "i see no reason to continue this fight anymore" she approached the bleeding werewolf and healed his wounds with a touch "please forgive me sir, you are not the one i am after" she spoke up to talk to the entire group "i promised reona assistance with finding her sheath, i will stay true to my word but you, undead hunter's a truce? "assist me in finding this greater werewolf and anything of his possession will be yours" she wated for a reply from the whole group
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"you...you you are not he!" "when i found you to be a werewolf, i had assumed you were the one who murdered my godchild!" "but after seeing your face...i am sorry" she said sheathing her fan and turning face rhaine, "stand down priestess, do you think after 2000 years holy magic can hurt me?, i have perfected my abilities and i transformed myself into a daywalker from just a pathetic lesser vampire, i have given myself the ability to see my own reflection... something no other vampire can do!" she then smiled "i also perfected my unholy art's any of your magic will simply make me stronger as it will be tainted as it hits me." "i see no reason to continue this fight anymore" she approached the bleeding werewolf and healed his wounds with a touch "please forgive me sir, you are not the one i am after" she spoke up to talk to the entire group "i promised reona assistance with finding her sheath, i will stay true to my word but you, undead hunter's a truce? "assist me in finding this greater werewolf and anything of his possession will be yours" she wated for a reply from the whole group



"As long as you don't kill any patrons, I forgive you. And I also find your story quite interesting, and I also have to point out that halflings have reflections since they are only half vampire, like myself. Now let's go inside and discuss this werewolf you are after. I hear little from my homelands but a lot from you werewolf brethren."


He then slowly started walking inside

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Rhaine raised an eyebrow at the daywalker, "You will find, vampire, that I, too, have perfected my abilities. I may have underestimated you, but see that you do not do give me likewise treatment."


She slid her sword back into its sheath, the green flames extinguishing as the blade resumed its place at her side. Her eyes lost their holy glow, and her wings relaxed. She sighed, "A truce, then. You are not like other vampires, that is certain. I should like to hear your story as well, before I pass judgment upon you."


With that, Rhaine directed Thanatos out of the inn through the shattered doorway and tethered him loosely outside before returning to the tavern interior. She erected strong walls around her mind, so that her thoughts could be her own.


The undead are all around us and we didn't even know it. A daywalker and a werewolf-vampire half-breed. Gods, what next?


She wordlessly passed close to Kalin, running a hand across his back and healing his wound, and then moved to stand by Reona and Ellundil, her arms folded across her silver breastplate.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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"ah my dear bartender i must point out that you are a half breed and i am not, i am a daywalker, not a half breed, i made myself such by magically removing the ill effect's of vampirism, like the hideous appearance and death in the sun." "upon removing the ill effect's i did not receive my soul, but this is a long story and you all wish to know of the werewolf i hunt first correct?" "well here goes" she pulled a chair up and sat facing the entire group "hmm where to begin... my whole life story has lasted over 2000 year's a very long tale, and one which will take weeks to explain" "i suppose i will start with the one i hunt" she looked angry as she started to explain "around 400 years ago i had a god-daughter, and i swore too protect her, the littleone's family died in a fire and i could not leave her to die. I raised her into a beautiful young woman" she wiped a blood tear from her face as she continued "but one night she went out on her own, understandable she was old enough." "it was only until i heard her scream i knew what was happening, so i rushed too her location and found an old enemy of mine standing over her body... his name was hollow-fang and he was an alpha male in a pack of wolves. he looked into my eyes and told me "revenge is a funny thing selene you never know when it will creep up on you." "at that moment i screamed with rage i attacked hollow-fang, but he fled i kept on finding traces and glimpses of werewolves for years." she looked at everyone and said "that is when i found you all, i came here to kill the werewolf, believing the bartender to be hollow-fang, that is of course until now. "it was i who killed the travelers on the road too isolate you all here and... well you know dispatch you all" she sat still looking blank waiting for a reply. Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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