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The tall tales & tragedies of the Chattering Scroll Inn


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Selene pondered before saying "tis not my place too say really, but i..." very well... Skyrim" she said quietly

"Skyrim! How do you expect to get past the mountains, then, it gets better, TALLER mountains, and after you've pased that, Frozen land for miles, until the nearest settlement. Nay, that road is folly!" Aardorn exclaimed, producing a map of the border from Cyrodile to skyrim


He looked toward the floor, "Well, you've got a lot of work to do, in the meantime, I would like to sharpen my sword, so if you don't mind..." he said, taking a stone from his pouch and using it to sharpen his blade

Edited by Brutii
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"me clean... yeah right" she clicked her fingers and the mops started to clear the in on there own while selene sat looking very smug with herself


Aardorn looked at her, before proclaiming "That is cheating" He grabbed the mop and held it tightly so it couldn't get away "Get down there and do it properly, with your hands now!"


He became to recite skyrims history from memory "The Aldmer and Falmer occupied Skyrim until the late Merethic Era, when the final wave of Nordic immigration, led by Ysgramor, finally drove them out. Settlers from Atmora crossed the Sea of Ghosts and made landfall here many times, often clashing with those who had already established themselves. They often lived in harmony with the Aldmer, though sometimes clashed. Ysgramor's clan, who dubbed the land "Mereth" after their elven neighbors, expanded their territory, and it continued to expand and contract by winning and losing territories in Morrowind and High Rock. Skyrim eventually weakened and separated into multiple states during the War of Succession, which was instigated by political quarrels following the assassination of King Borgas, the last of Ysgramor's dynasty. It was eventually reunited, although some localities technically remained independent kingdoms. Henceforth the Moot was only convened when and if the High King died without direct heirs, which has occurred four times since. Skyrim engaged in multiple clashes with High Rock over its western Reach, a civil war involving The Wolf Queen of Solitude, an invasion of Cuhlecain's kingdom of Cyrodiil, and wars with Hammerfell and High Rock during the Imperial Simulacrum. Redguards and Bretons are still giving resistance today, as The War of the Bend'r-mahk expanded Skyrim into territory traditionally held by Hammerfell and High Rock. Resistance is mostly encountered in the cities of Jehenna and Elinhir and along the border to those provinces" He finished, looking rather pleased that he had remembered so much

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"no and seeing as you are holding the mop..." she clapped her hands and the ranger began too mop the floor unwillingly his body being controlled by selene


Fighting it, he cursed as he snapped the mop into two piece's and threw it on the floor "Like I said, you're route to skyrim is folly, you need to find a better route than just crossing the borders, but assuming you want to be quick, the paths through hammerfall and morrowind will add days, maybe a week or more to your journey, depending on the weather."

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"honestly i do not know when we will depart, we all still have some stuff to do here, i need to train up reona and all of us need to wipe out the black troll boys"


"The black whats?!" Aardorn said, puzzled "You'd do good to depart for skyrim before the weather turns sour! If you all do not wish to lose some limbs to frost bite, that is!"

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"look it is not my decision when we leave for skyrim i leave when michael leaves, for me and him are in this quest together, i also have too train reona" "which is also my second most important mission!, then i will help her find the sheath for her sword so we have a bit of work to do first!" Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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"look it is not my decision when we leave for skyrim i leave when michael leaves, for me and him are in this quest together, i also have too train reona"

Aardorn shrugged "twould be better to leave soon, I don't care if you need to visit a sick grandmother, unless you have a death wish you would do good to go. I take my leave now, I will return soon." (Soon meaning, after some posts)

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"No, you're not," Rhaine replied, taking Kalin by the forearm and hoisting him up, "Easy. You'll be a little weak and sore for a few days. Try not to overexert yourself."


She gently reached out and stroked one of his soft wings, examining the smooth transition from red to orange to gold, "I must tell you - you cannot fly. So do not attempt it. They are simply a reminder of your god's favor."


When the altercation began outside the inn, Kismet closed her eyes and held onto the Bridge of her nose. She again felt for weapon but then considered. Perhaps a show of her talents was not yet...Necessary.


Instead Kismet gave a dimpled grin and turned toward a large, leafy tree by the inn. It would give her a good line of sight into the huge hole now in the inn's wall. Grabbing one branch after another she climbed unnoticed into the shadowed branches. Things were getting curiouser and curiouser.

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