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The drow looked at Selene. Why she had stopped talking? Was she like that demon? No! That can't be. Selene is far too nice to be some kind of demon. Nawen shook her head again and sighed. "So... are we just going to stand here or go and do something else?"
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The drow looked at Selene. Why she had stopped talking? Was she like that demon? No! That can't be. Selene is far too nice to be some kind of demon. Nawen shook her head again and sighed. "So... are we just going to stand here or go and do something else?"


"The latter, let us forget this... odd meeting"

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"No i...." Selene fell to her knees and cried in pain she said "Go i shall be with you soon... i am being summoned in the realm." Selene vanished in a black and red vortex leaving the two ranger's alone in the menagerie.


"ok" He said in a surprised tone "What is your name?" He asked

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Rhaine grinned, leaned forward, and hugged Thanatos's neck before turning him towards Reona. The character that she always assumed her steed possessed was reaffirmed by the Bosmer's words.


"The plan? We're going to head to Redrock Cave and see if these bandits have any useful evidence against their contractors. If they are indeed in league with the necromancers, as Selene thinks they are, then we need to waste no time in eliminating them. It would be also be wise of us to keep moving as we solve this puzzle. I have no doubt that these contractors know we aren't dead yet, and they will likely stop at nothing to send us all to early graves," Rhaine's tone was grim. They couldn't allow their foes to get ahead of them.


She pointed her horse's head to the southeast, "Brax said the hideout was this way, marked by a large cavern entrance and flanked by three poplar trees. Hold on tight, Kalin. Reona, can you keep up?"

Reona decided not to think about the potential dangers that lay ahead. She knew she could die, but there was no need to worry herself about it too much. Stretching once again, she let out a tiny, almost musical, laugh and winked at Rhaine, intertwining her arms behind her head, "I'm sure I can. Remember when Ellundil was hurt? When I was running to see what was going on, I passed a rider on a black horse riding at full gallop. Wasn't that you?"


She always was quite fast, Arva explained, a few stray strands of his hair blowing in a nonexistent breeze.


Agreeing, Reona smiled a little as she finished stretching and adjusted the gauntlets Kalin had let her use, as if trying to keep them perfectly aligned, "It's probably the only thing I've ever been naturally good at." She let out a soft sigh and closed her eyes, "I like it, though. A good way to take your mind off things, running. The world around you seems to disappear and your whole being becomes entirely focused on that simple task."



Without another word, Rhaine cast a mischievous smile Reona's way and then kicked her heels into Thanatos's flanks. The mighty horse reared, almost vertical, bellowing a cry to the sky before leaping across the road and plunging into the forest to the southeast.


"Running does he- GOOD GODS!!!!" Kalin shouted as Thanatos reared up. He clutched Rhaine's waist tightly, holding on for dear life. "BLOODY...DAMN...HORSES!" He cursed between the horse's bounds. I swear, I hate horses! the poor elan yelled mentally. When will this end!? The soulknife began praying that they arrived at the cave soon. Before this bloody nightmare kills me! He kept silent after that, trying to stay on the horse and keep his heart from bursting. Bloody horses!...



Thanatos reared back and shot off into the forest faster than Reona thought he was capable of, his tail streaming behind him, and she smiled to herself as Kalin screamed loudly. Holding her sword away from her body, she ran after the horse, and soon caught up with the others, the cool scent of damp earth filling her nose and pleasing her senses.


Reona noticed Kismet seemed to have fallen down, hearing her mumble something about a disgrace to herself. Reona skidded to a stop, helping her up with a gentle smile, "No need to feel like that, now. It's not the first time someone's fallen down, and it's definitely not the last."



Rhaine hunched low over Thanatos's neck, her auburn hair streaming behind her like flames, melding with the long, wavy raven mane of her steed. The stallion placed every step carefully, even at such speed - he dodged tree roots, boulders, and animal holes with a dexterity that was unexpected considering his great size. His head pumped up and down, ears flat, snorting with every stride. Turf flew backwards in clumps as his heavy hooves pounded the earth. Rhaine looked upwards and leaned even farther as large tree limbs and foliage whizzed by, just above her head. She certainly hoped Kalin was keeping his own head down. The poor elan was nearly squeezing her in two from fright.


She saw Reona catch up with them for an instant, the elf's legs unnaturally swift as she easily kept pace with Thanatos. Then, she suddenly fell behind. Rhaine assumed there was a reason for her doing so, and she thought little of it, trusting the Bosmer to regain her speed later. The priestess squinted, focusing on the woods ahead and searching for the gaping maw of a cave with three poplars nearby. They couldn't be far now...

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Thanatos reared back and shot off into the forest faster than Reona thought he was capable of, his tail streaming behind him, and she smiled to herself as Kalin screamed loudly. Holding her sword away from her body, she ran after the horse, and soon caught up with the others, the cool scent of damp earth filling her nose and pleasing her senses.


Reona noticed Kismet seemed to have fallen down, hearing her mumble something about a disgrace to herself. Reona skidded to a stop, helping her up with a gentle smile, "No need to feel like that, now. It's not the first time someone's fallen down, and it's definitely not the last."


The Drow stared at the hand given to her for a moment. She nodded and let the other help her to her feet with a nod. She then took off again toward the others on light feet.

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Rhaine grinned, leaned forward, and hugged Thanatos's neck before turning him towards Reona. The character that she always assumed her steed possessed was reaffirmed by the Bosmer's words.


"The plan? We're going to head to Redrock Cave and see if these bandits have any useful evidence against their contractors. If they are indeed in league with the necromancers, as Selene thinks they are, then we need to waste no time in eliminating them. It would be also be wise of us to keep moving as we solve this puzzle. I have no doubt that these contractors know we aren't dead yet, and they will likely stop at nothing to send us all to early graves," Rhaine's tone was grim. They couldn't allow their foes to get ahead of them.


She pointed her horse's head to the southeast, "Brax said the hideout was this way, marked by a large cavern entrance and flanked by three poplar trees. Hold on tight, Kalin. Reona, can you keep up?"

Reona decided not to think about the potential dangers that lay ahead. She knew she could die, but there was no need to worry herself about it too much. Stretching once again, she let out a tiny, almost musical, laugh and winked at Rhaine, intertwining her arms behind her head, "I'm sure I can. Remember when Ellundil was hurt? When I was running to see what was going on, I passed a rider on a black horse riding at full gallop. Wasn't that you?"


She always was quite fast, Arva explained, a few stray strands of his hair blowing in a nonexistent breeze.


Agreeing, Reona smiled a little as she finished stretching and adjusted the gauntlets Kalin had let her use, as if trying to keep them perfectly aligned, "It's probably the only thing I've ever been naturally good at." She let out a soft sigh and closed her eyes, "I like it, though. A good way to take your mind off things, running. The world around you seems to disappear and your whole being becomes entirely focused on that simple task."



Without another word, Rhaine cast a mischievous smile Reona's way and then kicked her heels into Thanatos's flanks. The mighty horse reared, almost vertical, bellowing a cry to the sky before leaping across the road and plunging into the forest to the southeast.


"Running does he- GOOD GODS!!!!" Kalin shouted as Thanatos reared up. He clutched Rhaine's waist tightly, holding on for dear life. "BLOODY...DAMN...HORSES!" He cursed between the horse's bounds. I swear, I hate horses! the poor elan yelled mentally. When will this end!? The soulknife began praying that they arrived at the cave soon. Before this bloody nightmare kills me! He kept silent after that, trying to stay on the horse and keep his heart from bursting. Bloody horses!...



Thanatos reared back and shot off into the forest faster than Reona thought he was capable of, his tail streaming behind him, and she smiled to herself as Kalin screamed loudly. Holding her sword away from her body, she ran after the horse, and soon caught up with the others, the cool scent of damp earth filling her nose and pleasing her senses.


Reona noticed Kismet seemed to have fallen down, hearing her mumble something about a disgrace to herself. Reona skidded to a stop, helping her up with a gentle smile, "No need to feel like that, now. It's not the first time someone's fallen down, and it's definitely not the last."



Rhaine hunched low over Thanatos's neck, her auburn hair streaming behind her like flames, melding with the long, wavy raven mane of her steed. The stallion placed every step carefully, even at such speed - he dodged tree roots, boulders, and animal holes with a dexterity that was unexpected considering his great size. His head pumped up and down, ears flat, snorting with every stride. Turf flew backwards in clumps as his heavy hooves pounded the earth. Rhaine looked upwards and leaned even farther as large tree limbs and foliage whizzed by, just above her head. She certainly hoped Kalin was keeping his own head down. The poor elan was nearly squeezing her in two from fright.


She saw Reona catch up with them for an instant, the elf's legs unnaturally swift as she easily kept pace with Thanatos. Then, she suddenly fell behind. Rhaine assumed there was a reason for her doing so, and she thought little of it, trusting the Bosmer to regain her speed later. The priestess squinted, focusing on the woods ahead and searching for the gaping maw of a cave with three poplars nearby. They couldn't be far now...


Ellundil had gone ahead of the party for some days, here is a brief description of what happened in his travels, but do to storytelling reasons the details will be revealed to character dialogue:


Since Ellundil sought out to figure out what this sudden surge of power meant, he went directly to the "College of Winterhold" in the northern portion of Skyrim. He had consulted with the new appointed arch-mage Lothlorias about how he felt about this new power. After two days of study in the library, they finally figured out the answers. Ellundil was indeed Dragonborn, but not in a normal sense of being able to use "The Voice" he was literally half dragon, so now they had to find out how to bring forth Ellundil's inner dragon. After mere hours of research, Ellundil learned that if he absorbed a dragon's soul he could then bring forth his inner dragon and become a true half-dragon half-Altmer, but there was a catch. He would have train his body, his soul, his runes to be able to accept the change.


Between this time, and Ellundil's arrival at an abandoned fort near Redrock Cave, he had gone through vigorous training at The College of Winterhold, High Hrothgar, and the Companions in Whiterun.

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