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Suddenly from the darkness, Kismet ran sideways on the wall then landed on one of the four liches backs. She yelled in her native tongue and suddenly an area of darkness surrounded the wounded elf and took her from the undead sight. Eyes glowing bright in the darkened area, Kismet took an enchanted blade and severed the head of the lich underneath her. Leaping as she tossed the quickly degrading pile of bones down she landed then turned and faced the three remaining liches, keeping herself between them and the dark area currently hiding the injured elf and others near.


Once stil,l others could note Kismet was covered in a purplish goo and that the leather on her pants leg was ripped through to her dark skin. Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand she smiled terrifyingly at the undead and with a voice full of mirth she informed the others.


"Oh there are quite a few spider daedra that I managed away in the back but I suspect more on the way, judging from the cackling I heard on the stones." Kismet kept her eyes on the liches and her scimitar's raised, ready for their next attack.

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Elllundil was as calm as ever, then he approached Kalin out of the shadows,


"You're being irrational," he stated. "This was my plan, the liches were almost finished summoning, and we wouldn't have been able to take them out before this undead lord was summoned, it's better he stays in here than out there, in fact I don't think he'll be bothering us very much," his voiced trailed off, "..this was my plan all along, I had to find a way to travel through dimensions, and now that you're here with me I suppose you will have to accompany me to Sovnegard, lets be off, if you will."

The elan decked the elf with a right hook. "Like hells I will! This is the Abyss, not some gateway to whereever the hells you want to go!" Kalin scolded him. He gestured wildly at Everlost. "The demon prince that occupies that structure is not someone we want noticing us! Not even the gods have managed to end his existence permanently. And for your information, this particular creature has me on his special guest list, and I'll be damned if I'm going to become his entertainment for an eternity!" With that said, he actually picked up Ellundil and started carrying him back to the portal, ignoring the rune-mage's protests. When he came back to their exit, the soulknife paused in shock and dropped the elf as he saw that the portal was gone! "Oh, now that's just absolutely perfect!"


Kalin turned to the Ellundil slowly. I am going to throttle you! he swore silently. There was another way out of Thanatos, but he was reluctant to even consider the option. Tymora, why can't you grant me good fortune when I need it for once? He sighed. Looking at the elf, he said slowly, trying to keep his temper: "Listen, there's another way out, but we're doing this my way, understood? We'll have to be quiet and fast. Otherwise, death will be the least of our concerns." Without saying another word, the elan tunred away and starting walking towards the only other portal that they could use...the one inside Everlost. Bloody fool! he cursed Ellundil, frustration and anger coursing through his heart as he stealthily approached the dark citadel of the Prince of the Undead...


Ellundil was now becoming impatient, for he did not like being controlled by another against his will, for Ellundil would not harm his friend Kalin.


"You're being irrational, you wouldn't even let me tell you that I can open a portal to Sovnegard, but nooo! You just had to carry me off didn't you? I could just leave without you, ya know? But I won't, now if you would help me channel my magic, I would be very grateful."


And with that said Ellundil then placed a summoning rune around him, and focused his magic for, slowly a portal to Sovnegard began to open, the world could be seen forming, but a great mist engulfed it. Ellundil now struggled for words.


"Now... could you please... help me... channel thi...ss..."



Kalin tried to help Ellundil channel the magic, but there was a problem: the soulknife couldn't use magic! Damnit, I'm a psychic, not a mage! He saw the portal start to flicker and fade, and redoubled his efforts, using sheer will to force the portal open..but it wasn't enough. A feeling of despair struck him as Ellundil's portal failed, and sagged noticeably from his efforts.


Gasping, Kalin spoke. "I'm sorry, Ellundil...but I can't do it...I have no magical ability...I can use...magical items...but I can't...use actual magic... sorry..." Grim-faced and pale, he continued. "There's another portal...in this gods-forsaken place...but it's inside that fortress ahead of us. I can get it to work, I believe,...but we'll be up to our necks in demon-spawn...or worse." There was a price to using the portal as well, but Kalin kept silent about that. Sometimes, there's just no other way, he thought bitterly, knowing what he had to do. But someone has to do it....


After gaining his breathe, the soulknife gestured for the elf to follow him. "Last time I was here, a group of crusaders and I snuck in through hidden passage way." Kalin felt around on a nearby rockface. "It should be around here somewhe- ahh! Found it!" He pressed a hidden pressure place on a particular spot on the stone and muttered a dark word in Abyssal. The stone shifted under his hand and revealed a dark, metal gate. "Well, come quickly, my friend," he said to Ellundil, "We haven't much time now." With that being said, Kalin opened the secret door and faded into the darkness inside...

Edited by GrueMaster
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Ellundil strode forth unto darkness following Kalin's lead, Ellundil knew he probably could have opened the portal himself, given more time seeing as it was his original plan to go alone, but he was contempt with battling demons. As Ellundil traveled through the dark halls they seemed extremely quiet, and cold, they were being watched, but by what or who? It was, in fact, his own shadow, which in this world had started to manifest itself, then it grew heavier and heavier as they got closer to the top of the keep, and then finally Ellundil's shadow sprung up and struck him in the back. Ellundil lurched forward unto the cold relentless ground, and heaved himself up from it.


Ellundil, a very tall muscular figure was now belittled by his shadow, which had grown more ferocious and gigantic. Ellundil was going to fight all of his fears and hatred within that moment, and this was quite the shock for Ellundil, even taking his recent training into consideration, put his training never was able to help him cope with the past, something he buried beneath his heart long ago, that now stood before him in a tall, dark, abyssal chamber.

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Kalin shot a couple of fire bolts in quick succession, the flames striking the greater shadow attacking Ellundil and distracting it for a moment. "Come on!" he shouted, grabbing the elf and draggiing him to his feet, then started running quickly. "The guards will have heard that! Hurry! We're almost there!"


He came to a stop as they arrived in a torch-lit room. There was an alter dedicated to Orcus in the center of the room. Years of dark rituals had left the altar and a nearby dagger stained in blood. A portal-gate lay ahead of it, but it was inactive. Back here again, he lamented. The last time he was here, only two members of the crusaders had managed to survive this far: their leader and himself. The soulknife remembered what had happened, sad memories coming to mind. The party had been discovered and nearly wiped out to a man. He and Kathis, their leader, managed to get away for the moment, but they were both covered in wounds and tired, and the demons were coming. She had managed to open the portal, but died sacrificing herself so that he could get away...and now, it was his turn. So much death...I wish it didn't have to be like this...


Kalin took off his belt holding his bag of holding and twin sickles, and handed them to Ellundil. He slipped off his family signet ring, sighing sadly. "Make sure Rhaine gets this," he said, handing that over as well, "there's a small but powerful tracking spell on that. She'll be able to use it if I'm still...still..." He trailed off, unabled to speak, a tear running down his sad, gaunt face. I'm so sorry, Rhaine. I wish there was another way...


Ignoring the puzzled look on the rune-mage's face, Kalin stepped forward and laid down on the altar. Dark metallic vines rose up from it and lashed him tightly againt the blood-soaked stone. He gripped the dagger with his free arm and, picturing the cave where the others were at, plunged it into his own chest. He gasped as he felt his lifeblood drain away. He wasn't sure if the wound fatal or not, but he felt so cold as the blackness swallowed him. Barely able to speak, the elan whispered softly. "I'm sorry, Rhaine... I love you..." The last thing he remembered was seeing the portal burst into life, and then...darkness...

Edited by GrueMaster
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Ellundil was shocked, and he was full of grief, then he mustered his voice and shouted "She will know of your love, Kalin, and I swear that she will receive what you have thus forth given thee," he trailed off, then began to breath heavily.


Ellundil's emotions rose into a fever pitch once more, and his runes began to glow like flame, then what seemed to be flame became flame, and what was flame turned into the light of a thousand suns, and he unsheathed his sword and ran forth, slaying every imp, thrall, shadow-beast, and otherwise demon-like creature before him, until he reached his shadow. His lights now faded and he was belittled once more, and the shadow overtook his mind, and sent his thoughts back to his home-land of Rauros. He could see the empty throne, with a morning woman next to it, he could see a large crater just down below the throne, which stood solemnly midst a burnt down castle. He heard her lament, and it touched his heart, then he rose again once more and fought his shadow. He began to glow again, and the light turned to wings and he flew, as if gravity forgot all about him, then he raised his hands and smote the shadow with all the flame and lightning he could conjure, and it began to dwindle, down to nothing, until Ellundil had it down to its knees, then he rose his sword and he chopped its head off, which then released a light, which brought him to where he wanted to be. Sovnegard.

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Suddenly from the darkness, Kismet ran sideways on the wall then landed on one of the four liches backs. She yelled in her native tongue and suddenly an area of darkness surrounded the wounded elf and took her from the undead sight. Eyes glowing bright in the darkened area, Kismet took an enchanted blade and severed the head of the lich underneath her. Leaping as she tossed the quickly degrading pile of bones down she landed then turned and faced the three remaining liches, keeping herself between them and the dark area currently hiding the injured elf and others near.


Once stil,l others could note Kismet was covered in a purplish goo and that the leather on her pants leg was ripped through to her dark skin. Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand she smiled terrifyingly at the undead and with a voice full of mirth she informed the others.


"Oh there are quite a few spider daedra that I managed away in the back but I suspect more on the way, judging from the cackling I heard on the stones." Kismet kept her eyes on the liches and her scimitar's raised, ready for their next attack.


Relief flooded the half-elf upon seeing Kismet and her swift dispatching of another lich. But the Drow's words reversed her jubilation, reinforced by the sound of pattering spider feet that drew ever closer. Rhaine cursed again. They needed more time!


The Doomguide thought quickly, lifting her hands upward and calling a column of fire from the ceiling of the cave. The swirling orange flame engulfed another lich in a cleansing inferno, reducing him to dust. Rhaine followed up with one of her favorite spells. Slinging what appeared to be a shimmering sliver towards the distant corridor, it burst apart upon hitting the floor. Suddenly, a line of ten swords materialized across the mouth of the hall, twirling so fast that they were a shining blur. The blade barrier appeared just in time to stop the advance of six spitting spider daedra.

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Kalin awoke in a dark cell. He was strapped in some sort platform leaning on the wall, his arms chained above him.. His chest had been patched up, but not completely healed, and was throbbing from the force exerted by his weight as he hung limply by his arms. He remembered everything that happened before he passed out, but he was surprised that he was still alive. Damn, that hurts! Then he cried out in agony as the old demon-scars began burning fiercely. He heard the cell-door open, and a massive demon entered, laughing at his misery. Kalin's eyes widened in fear as he saw who it was: Orcus!


The Demon Prince of the Undead cackled evilly. "So, you have decided to visit me again, Kalin Orus! How thoughtful of you!" The demon approached the elan and leaned forward, burning eyes staring into his face, malice swirling within their depths. " You escaped once before and caused me much trouble and insult. Now," Orcus held up some dark instrument of torture in front of Kalin's terrified face, grinning maliciously, "it is only fair that I return the favor." Kalin began screaming horrifically as the demon tore into him, wanting the pain to end. But he understood, in the midst of the agony and terror threatening to overwhelm his mind, that the tortures Orcus had in store for him were only just beginning...

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The goddess was gone. Good.


Kelemvor rematerialized in Eternity's End. He set off with purposeful strides, intent on locating Jergal. His millennium-old scribe had reported new findings on these strange portals that had cropped up on both Faerun and Tamriel, and the Lord of the Dead was eager for more information.


He entered one of the many temples that dotted this district of the City. Unlike those on the mortal plane, his temples in the City of Judgment served as repositories of ancient and dangerous knowledge - tomes far too hazardous to fall into the hands of mortals.


Suddenly, he felt a brief twinge. He instantly recognized the mind of Kalin, Amaunator's faithful elan. He had come within a hair's breadth of death, and then had been saved by someone...or something. Kelemvor focused upon the elan. He was trapped in Thanatos, the 113th layer of the Abyss - somehow, the soulknife had been teleported back into the Realms. Kelemvor then saw Orcus, the demon lord of the layer, in the process of torturing Kalin. The Lord of the Dead filled with rage at this "Prince of Undeath," a twisted mockery of a deity and a defiler of souls. He also pitied Kalin, but there was nothing the god could do for him. Not now, at least.


As he watched Kalin, he could see the mortal's soul writhing in agony. But something was missing. His soul was fractured. Kelemvor knew at once that this was not created by recent events, but by something far older. The scars of the occurrence were still visible upon the elan's spirit. A fragment of Kalin's soul had been severed from the whole and was...where? Kelemvor allowed his mind to wander the planes...


There. The Shadowfell. It was a measly wisp of a thing. It bore the marks of humanity, and Kelemvor then understood.


"My Liege," came a high-pitched, chilling voice.


Kelemvor snapped back to the temple to see Jergal standing before him - his ages-old predecessor: the original god of the dead. Jergal's appearance was always a bit unnerving. He looked not unlike the shriveled and dry corpse of a mummy, his eyes black pits, his frail-looking frame draped in a rotting brown robe. He held an ever-lengthening scroll in one hand and a ragged quill in the other.


"What are your findings, Jergal?" the young god inquired.


The scribe's response was passive and simple, "The portals are moving."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Reona awoke screaming, and pushed herself onto her hands and knees, tears streaming down her cheeks. She punched the ground as hard as she could, splitting her right knuckles, despite the shelter of Kalin's gauntlets. Picking up her sword, she slowly advanced toward Rhaine, her hands clenched tightly around the hilt of her sword, and sniffled, before whispering in a broken voice, "I can't feel Kalin's mind anymore." She wiped the wetness from her face, streaking it with dirt, as if wiping away her emotions along with her tears. She swept her electric gaze over her surroundings and coldly growled, "I'll kill them all."
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Kalin whimpered as Orcus paused in torturing him. He felt pain and despair weighing down on him, slowly crushing his will to live. Oh gods! Please just let me die! The elan felt like giving up, his mind starting to say good-bye to all he loved. Memories of his short time with his new friends appeared in his thoughts. Ellundil...Reona...Rhaine. Rhaine...Sadness threatened to crush him as images of her flashed by. The sound of her voice, the color of her hair...Oh, Rhaine, he cried mentally, I wish we could've been together longer! He wanted to be with the priestess again. If only things were different...


You can't die now, you bloody idiot! that voice of old spoke, scolding him. Shut up, you bastard! I'm lost to her now! he argued. She wouldn't give up on you, would she? Would she?! the voice demanded. No! Then if you love her, pull yourself together! You've survived worse! You can survive this! The soulknife felt a spark of hope and determination spark to life. You're right, as usual. Alright! Rhaine, Kalin shouted in his mind, I won't let him defeat me! Kalin steeled himself as the demon prince prepared to begin again, determined to stay alive for the woman he's come to love. Hurry up, Ellundil! Or I'm going to haunt your crazy arse!...

Edited by GrueMaster
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