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Skyrim and Steam


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Yeah, I don't have a problem with Steam being one of a number of different places you could choose to get your game from...


All I've been trying to say all along is that the problem is when Steam is the ONLY option, in other words there are NO OPTIONS.

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"Hi. Welcome to McDonald's. Today you'll be having a Big Mac, fries and a diet Coke."


"But that's not what I want. I want a Fillet-O-Fish and--"


"Hi. Welcome to McDonald's. Today you'll be having a Big Mac, fries and a diet Coke."


"But I just told you that's not what I want. I want a--"


"Hi. Welcome to McDonald's. Today you'll be having a Big Mac, fries and a diet Coke."


"Well, okay I guess. This is the only place in town open at this hour. I guess I'll have whatever you just said..."


Fail roleplay is fail again. For that analogy to be accurate, Steam would have to force you to buy the games they want you to play. More accurate will be saying McDonalds wants to force you to use their cutlery and nothing else. But even that is reasonably fail and slightly silly.

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All I've been trying to say all along is that the problem is when Steam is the ONLY option, in other words there are NO OPTIONS.

Yep, that's how DRM works... If not through Steam, then through some other online authentication server that people will rage over just as much. Piracy isn't solely to blame, but is the most applicable scapegoat. That's just about how any major release goes these days... Once upon a time, you didn't even need to install games, they just played from disc/disk. Those days are gone too (even on consoles). However, unlike say, Ubisoft, or other companies, you only need to activate the product once... Then you never have to log in with steam again... Which is why I only have 7 hours of playtime for FONV connected with my steam account. If you don't like steam, just install it, register, and never use it again. You still have that option... Unlike with say, Ubisoft, EAgames, Bioware, ect.


Much of this Steam, and even constant connection hate really seems to be less about the service, and more about the fact that gaming in general is moving away from a solitary activity and many places outside the US and East Asia just don't have the connections for it.

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You people still don't have any idea what Steamworks is do you? It's not optional. If you have any one of those games in the image i posted you HAVE to activate it online through Steamworks. Steamworks is not designed to deter piracy it is specifically designed to prevent resales.




Ship your game at retail and online. With Steamworks, you decide where and how it will be sold.
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Ship your game at retail and online. With Steamworks, you decide where and how it will be sold.


And? It's their game, I'd assume it's their choice how and where they want to sell it. They're entitled to choosing their method of distribution. If you don't like their choice, don't buy the game. You're not entitled to getting the game the way you want it. If you're not happy, tough luck and vote with your wallet.

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Ship your game at retail and online. With Steamworks, you decide where and how it will be sold.


And? It's their game, I'd assume it's their choice how and where they want to sell it. They're entitled to choosing their method of distribution. If you don't like their choice, don't buy the game. You're not entitled to getting the game the way you want it. If you're not happy, tough luck and vote with your wallet.


I guess you can count yourself fortunate to have a sufficient internet connection. Not many can.


I dislike being forced to play ANY game online, unless it's strictly intended to be an online game. Also, when did debating turn into "I won't shut up until you admit that I'm right?"

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Ship your game at retail and online. With Steamworks, you decide where and how it will be sold.


And? It's their game, I'd assume it's their choice how and where they want to sell it. They're entitled to choosing their method of distribution. If you don't like their choice, don't buy the game. You're not entitled to getting the game the way you want it. If you're not happy, tough luck and vote with your wallet.


I guess you can count yourself fortunate to have a sufficient internet connection. Not many can.


I dislike being forced to play ANY game online, unless it's strictly intended to be an online game. Also, when did debating turn into "I won't shut up until you admit that I'm right?"


That last bit, both sides are doing that here. I would like to point out, that having to go online ONCE to activate a product is not the same as having to stay online CONSTANTLY. Also, I'm in a low range income household, and we can afford sufficient internet, and I know that many other states here in the US have cheaper internet services that are just as good, sometimes better. So basically, your argument falls short.

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If I want to play a game, I shouldn't have to activate it online. End of story. There is no reason at all that if you buy a game you should be forced to use a third party service that you have to activate it on. I have nothing against Steam, as I have not used it. I'm just saying I will refuse to be forced to do so, and thus will not buy the game (on PC at least, since they don't do it on consoles... yet.)


Also, the argument of no internet does not fall short. Some people don't have enough money to afford to pay the internet bills along with cable and their phoneline, be it landline or cell. If you rent a house, that also adds on to costs. And what about buying games as well? You need money for that as well, along with food and other things like electricity.

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If I want to play a game, I shouldn't have to activate it online. End of story. There is no reason at all that if you buy a game you should be forced to use a third party service that you have to activate it on. I have nothing against Steam, as I have not used it. I'm just saying I will refuse to be forced to do so, and thus will not buy the game (on PC at least, since they don't do it on consoles... yet.)


Also, the argument of no internet does not fall short. Some people don't have enough money to afford to pay the internet bills along with cable and their phoneline, be it landline or cell. If you rent a house, that also adds on to costs. And what about buying games as well? You need money for that as well, along with food and other things like electricity.




Thank you for more articulately stating what I've been trying to say all along.

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