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Skyrim and Steam


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Billion? Either way none of this changes what I said. Steam is here to stay and it's gonna get bigger. I don't have problem with steam, in fact I like it and see no reason to buy my games other then steam. It's cheaper and the sales are insane. But I'm gonna buy the special edition of skyrim(retail) and we still dont know if skyrim will be steam only yet. Until that time you can panic. As for me it doesn't matter.
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Yes, it's entirely valid, but it's grown 4% in the last three years, with no intention of slowing down. Take into account that about 50% of the country lives below the poverty line, with an uemployment rate of almost 25%. Given that, a 4% growth is huge. You also have to take into account that those who can't even squeeze off R200 a month to but the cheapest ADSL connection available, are highly unlikely to squeeze off R400 to buy a game, much less own a computer able to run that game.


Also, billion? Lol. The entire world doesn't live in South Africa, you know. :P


Billion? Either way none of this changes what I said. Steam is here to stay and it's gonna get bigger. I don't have problem with steam, in fact I like it and see no reason to buy my games other then steam. It's cheaper and the sales are insane. But I'm gonna buy the special edition of skyrim(retail) and we still dont know if skyrim will be steam only yet. Until that time you can panic. As for me it doesn't matter.


Indeed. I'll still continue using Steam while the rest of the world slowly catches up. :P

Edited by Halororor
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If it wasn't for the games that are on Steam, I'd drop Steam in a heartbeat. I do not like having programs I don't want on my PC, I do not like having to use a program I hate so I can play a game I spend my hard earned money on...the reasons can go on for miles. I do hope Skyrim will have a standard retail version, if not, then I'll still get it on Steam, but I won't like it.
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It's clear a lot of people don't like steam, and don't want Skyrim to be a Steam only game. I don't think anyone is about change anyone elses opinion. So it would seem there is little point to discussing this till more information is known. Edited by EviloMEN
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Yes, it's entirely valid, but it's grown 4% in the last three years, with no intention of slowing down. Take into account that about 50% of the country lives below the poverty line, with an uemployment rate of almost 25%. Given that, a 4% growth is huge. You also have to take into account that those who can't even squeeze off R200 a month to but the cheapest ADSL connection available, are highly unlikely to squeeze off R400 to buy a game, much less own a computer able to run that game.


Also, billion? Lol. The entire world doesn't live in South Africa, you know. :P


Billion? Either way none of this changes what I said. Steam is here to stay and it's gonna get bigger. I don't have problem with steam, in fact I like it and see no reason to buy my games other then steam. It's cheaper and the sales are insane. But I'm gonna buy the special edition of skyrim(retail) and we still dont know if skyrim will be steam only yet. Until that time you can panic. As for me it doesn't matter.


Indeed. I'll still continue using Steam while the rest of the world slowly catches up. :P


Million, sorry about that. Anyway, don't make sweeping generalisations. 15% of people above the poverty line is not a huge number by any stretch. To get back on topic, I can't stand Steam

Edited by LeopoldCrank
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A 4% growth in people above the poverty line in less than 3 years is a huge number, by any stretch, however. But either way, the topic isn't about the growth of internet in South Africa, so we can continue this debate another time if someone else wants to chime in.


I agree Steam should be optional, but it's not the Cthulhuan sent horror some people make it out to be.

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Skyrim is available to pre-order in game stores, why would be steam only?I assume when you talk about we don´t know if there is a retail version you´r talking about physical version.There is that thing about pre order the game and getting a cloth map or something and during that announcement it was said people who bought the game without pre ordering it will get a paper map too.The game will surelly be available to buy as pysical copy, my concern is if it will be like new vegas.I hope not.About this arguements about steam is good, steam is bad... well depends on people I´m one of the people who don´t want a software controlling my games and prefer buying a physical copy to play single player games whenever we want, for people who want cheaper games and don´t mind buying a non physical copy of the game and don´t mind the controlling thing then it´s good for them.I simply don´t like steam cause I bought new vegas for 50 euros yet I don´t feel the game is mine since I´m stuck with this steam thing, new vegas is the only reason I have steam -.- and I use it allways in offline mode since I don´t care about the social features and achivements.Even though I don´t like steam I never had problems with updates and DLC´s downloads or even mod problems after updates. Edited by scot
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The question is if computer users are going to get shafted with a steam requirement .


Non-Steam users, if I may. Computer users implies that anyone going to play the game on a computer is going to get shafted, when more than a few million of us actually like Steam.

Edited by Halororor
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I have no issue with steam.


They shouldn't do stuff like this just to try to avoid piracy, people will always be able to steal games and no security system can stop that.

They do it because it's a distribution and marketing model as well. Many games, even those who don't have DRM make use of steam because it allows them to advertise their product and offer deals specifically to gamers, rather than the crapshoot with other adverts.

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